Example sentences of "[noun] as [pers pn] [verb] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And if any of his fans still needed convincing , they had only to look into the happy , laughing face of his adoring wife Jean , at his side as she has been since his horrific car accident nearly three months ago .
2 A thorough overhaul of the educational process will ensure that standards remain as high in the future as they have been in the past .
3 The Tories are , wisely , keeping their boy away from most of the rough stuff — rightly recognising that such strengths as he has are in his niceness — but he has to look like he wants to win sometimes .
4 This needs materials scientists , whose contribution is likely to be as decisive for biosensor research as it has been for mainstream biomaterials research .
5 According to one report , Vincent was as dismissive of academic study as he had been in Amsterdam .
6 But on 30 October the regents once more affirmed the rights of the Crown : they ordered Hugh de Neville , the Chief Justice of the Forest , to cause the royal forests to be kept by the same metes and bounds as they had been in the time of King John before the war between him and his barons .
7 Accordingly , he attempted to shift Marxism away from orthodox theories of an absolute determinism towards the primacy of a concept of ‘ History ’ which , while still a totality as it had been for Lukács , a process with a determinate meaning and end , could also include a concept of human agency and thus articulate the individual with the social , freedom with determinism .
8 In other words not to provide for a continuing level of migration as it has been in the past .
9 Unfortunately has been unable to edit this issue as she has been in Charing Cross Hospital for treatment after her mole pregnancy earlier this year .
10 Ipswich were as lethargic at the start of the second half as they had been for the majority of the first and on the hour , in an attempt to liven them up , Lyall brought off Milton and Goddard to introduce Palmer and Johnson .
11 When one turns to his large-scale tonal designs , unexplored until now , it becomes apparent that Lully 's influence is as preponderant in Campra 's cantatas as it had been in his stage music .
12 Hungarian-born pianist Gyorgy Gziffra has never been as well known , or for that matter , as well regarded in England as he has been on the Continent or in the USA .
13 He was just as fussy on the North Shore as he had been in France .
14 Benjamin 's case , though , was subtly different : for the most part family emigration seems to have been prompted at least as much by the need or the desire to leave one place as it has been by the yearning to live somewhere else .
15 More pointedly , such analyses are concerned with measuring the effects of wage movements ; the causes have to be sought in the actual , real-world process of industrial relations — an environment as uncongenial to economists as it has been to many industrial managers .
16 Life in Takrit in Iraq fifty years ago was based on similar principles for the young Saddam Hussein as it had been in Scorniceşti a generation earlier for Nicolae Ceauşescu .
17 They could be expected to be as obedient to the workers as they had been to the capitalists .
18 A picture as they say is worth a thousand words and so it was that on the afternoon unemployment broke through the three million barrier I chanced a glimpse of the private feelings of John Major .
19 This book is for Ear'ole , who has been as enthusiastic about my shop as she has been about all the other things that I have tackled , and then begged her to help with .
20 This shows that Anselm was quite as ready to face exile for the primacy as he had been for obedience to the pope .
21 However , his appearance had been that of an eighteen-year-old , which makes nonsense for a second time of the press claims that Lord Haw-Haw was as puny in appearance as he had been in his human sympathies .
22 This , of course , delighted the child and every night she stood in the wings performing everybody 's act with them , and even at the end of two shows , she was as bright in the dressing room as she 'd been at the overture .
23 But in addition , when they reached Lyons , the king 's messenger told Anselm that the king would not allow him to return to England unless he promised to observe the customs of the kingdom as they had been in the time of Rufus .
24 When fellwalking becomes a passion as it has been for me and many others , the summits are regarded as old friends and memories are refreshed on each visit .
25 He thought of Beryl and the need to come to grips with the Garland set-up as it had been before the old man 's death .
26 This change also made imperative the development of links with employers , Youth Training providers and the tertiary colleges so that the quality of transition for young people was as effective into the post-16 area as it had been throughout their school career .
27 Thus , on the facts of the instant case , goes the argument , the fact that the proceedings against the respondent were postponed until the proceedings against the Murphy brothers were concluded ( despite the fact that such postponement as we find was in practice almost inevitable ) amounts to a breach of Magna Carta chapter 29 .
28 We are at present monitoring the policy as it has been in operation for approximately 18 months .
29 US President Bush ( who had been head of the then US liaison mission in Beijing in 1974-75 ) , appeared to want to restore relations as they had been before the Tiananmen Square massacre , but often came under congressional pressure to adopt a policy more critical of China .
30 Tom Poole , who had nursed his father devotedly at the end , was in low spirits , but was as instantly captivated by his visitor as he had been at their first meeting .
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