Example sentences of "[noun] say [that] he have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Our MP Mr Ken Hind ( Conservative , West Lancs ) wrote to people in Scarisbrick saying that he has pushed the Department of Transport into accepting the need for a bypass between Ormskirk and Southport .
2 The man standing by my side said that he had seen them behind the terminal .
3 Dr Tydeman said that he had managed to persuade medical companies to donate £15,000 of equipment so far , and he was expecting double that amount to follow .
4 Cheney said that he had dismissed Dugan , who had held his command for only three months , because he had violated standing orders on the public discussion of military operations and had showed " poor judgment at a sensitive time " .
5 She swam and sunbathed , went sightseeing , worked on her designs , talked brightly on the phone with Lucy , or Dad or Charles whenever they rang her , forcing herself not to ask whether Guy had moved in on the firm yet , and then wincing when Lucy said that he 'd made his mark in a dramatic emergency board meeting , put up the backs of most of the board of directors when he announced sweeping measures to increase profitability , cut overheads …
6 Erm er I was concerned when my Noble Friend said that he 'd looked up Hallsbury but that it did n't contain the right words , er er I rather wonder whether he looked up so to speak the right version or the last version .
7 Poshekhonov said that he had found the way to laugh , he had picked up the spear of ridicule .
8 Someone called Sebastian says that he has named the movement to follow post-modernism ; it is called belatedness .
9 A fortnight after being made a minister , this raconteur said that he had joined the Labour Party simply to make sure that ‘ they did nothing too silly ’ .
10 In a written statement , Khumalo said that he had organized the transfer of the covert funds , claiming that he had deliberately kept the source of the funding from Buthelezi because " I knew he would have rejected the proposal out of hand " .
11 The Judge said that he had stolen Lady Margaret 's ring , and that she had only bought it that day and the ring was a very expensive diamond .
12 Coningham said that he had looked more closely at Scott 's scheme since the last debate , and ‘ could not acquiesce in the high opinion which that gentleman appeared to entertain of himself , judging by the long string of superlatives in his own praise with which he wound up his recent letter to The Times ' .
13 You quoted David Griffiths saying that he had told the RAF Benevolent Fund that we would be ‘ pretty disappointed if they failed to raise one million pounds from the Marathon ’ .
14 Daum said that he had thought before Wednesday 's 4-1 defeat that it was possible to field four non-German players .
15 One teacher said that he had taught his class a rhyme for remembering the days between the two testings .
16 The Collector said that he had sold them long ago .
17 And I heard Monks say that he 'd seen Oliver in the street , and that he knew at once Oliver was the child he was looking for , although I could n't hear why .
18 While increasing the duty on wine and beer yesterday by about 5.5p per bottle and 1.5p per pint respectively , Mr Lamont said that he had received many representations this year about the taxation of spirits , especially the taxation of whisky .
19 Then , obviously wanting to leave us alone , our friend said that he had to go to the village of Lalatta for a short time ; he would be back in twenty minutes , by which time I would have to start making my way back to Lagrimone .
20 In reply to the main question , my right hon. Friend said that he had had discussions with motor vehicle manufacturers .
21 Several women friends of Waddell said that he had given them within days of the murder large sums of money ; and a barman to whom Waddell had given £1000 for safe keeping said Waddell had told him he had won a packet on the horses .
22 Recalling the defeat of the 1991 coup , Yeltsin said that he had outwitted the former KGB chief , Vladimir Kryuchkov , whom he identified as the main organizer of the attempt .
23 Yeltsin said that he had lured the coup leaders out of the Kremlin , where they were protected , by challenging them to go to Foros , the Black Sea resort where Gorbachev was being held , to get a statement from Gorbachev to confirm their claim that he was unable to carry out his duties .
24 Yeltsin said that he had promised to go with them , although he knew that the Russian Supreme Soviet would not allow him to do so .
25 The King said that he had considered abdicating over the question of whether to meet Israel face-to-face , but that he believed that attending the talks would add weight to international calls for Israel 's withdrawal from the occupied territories .
26 During one of my trips to the USA in the 1960s , Shaheen telephoned my hotel one day to say that he had arranged for me to have lunch with Richard Nixon , who at the time had not yet declared that he would run for the presidency in the election of 1968 .
27 All Spike did was call her back from Greece on St Valentine 's day to say that he had to find out who he really was .
28 Although he had made it a condition of his NBC appearance that his whereabouts not be disclosed , Neal Miller called next day to say that he had taken over as his handler and to reprimand him for doing the broadcast without permission .
29 Mr Lapointe defends the use of ivory money saying that he has managed to bring in funds from such sources at the direction of government members of CITES .
30 The colonel said that he had received extraordinary instructions .
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