Example sentences of "[noun] say [pers pn] [verb] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Rain said she had been into the studio but not the flat .
2 His mother Diane and girlfriend Donna Williams said he had been at home with them .
3 Neil says he does n't like the swimming and the lakes have been cold while Derek says they 've been through the pain barrier and have had to spend up to ten hours a day in the saddle but they 've had a good back up team … he also jokes that there has n't been a day when he would n't have rather stopped in bed
4 Although he was wary of commenting on a specific meeting , Mr Hyde said the company ‘ would not make it a matter of policy to say we have been in contact or received authorisation , if that had n't been the case ’ .
5 ‘ Your niece said you 've been to Paris , ’ Sabine said as the lemonade was poured .
6 Hounslow councillors say they had been under the impression that relations between them and the police were slowly improving , although Mr Wetzel and John Connolly , the influential chair of housing , continue to boycott the statutory police consultative group .
7 Livingstone said he had been at home at the time of the trouble while Hardy said he watched the disturbance , although he did not throw anything .
8 Andrea McKemsley said she 'd been in the takeaway on the night David Nock died .
9 Although no evidence had been found that Gnassingbe had been present during the attack , the report said he had been at the scene of the attack " immediately beforehand " .
10 ‘ The programme notes said you 'd been in Cats . ’
11 The evil wind that bombed Manhattan 's World Trade Center nevertheless blew some good to the disaster recovery specialists : SunGard Data Systems Inc says it has been contacted by four subscriber companies seeking disaster recovery services following the blast — two in Four World Trade Center , one in Two World Trade Center and one in One World Trade Center ; and Comdisco Inc said it is providing disaster recovery services to three financial services companies hit by the blast , while IBM Corp 's disaster recovery unit said it had been in touch with ‘ a lot ’ of its customers , but that so far none of its customers had had to declare their workplaces to be disaster areas .
12 Did n't Tumbleweed say he 'd been to the fair before ?
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