Example sentences of "[noun] which [vb past] been [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 Even this demanding job left energy for much else , and at this time he began to organise art exhibitions , building on his own strong interest in the visual arts which had been fired by visits to Florence and Venice and by the mammoth Van Gogh show in the 1950s , and which led early to his abiding love of the Italian Renaissance giants and of such British artists as Prunella Clough , Keith Vaughan and RobertMedley .
2 In mid-January India had secured from the IMF the equivalent of US$1,800 million ( $777 million as the first tranche of a standby arrangement and $1,009 million under the compensatory and contingency financing facility — CCFF ) in order to boost foreign exchange reserves which had been eroded by rising oil prices and the loss of remittances from the Gulf and which had reached an unprecedented low in late 1990 .
3 In the end the police decided not to seek to ban the march but to police the route and to provide protection for the marchers against the violence which had been threatened by opposing factions .
4 The decision concluded a debate within the party and more generally on the country 's political future which had been launched by President Joao Bernardo Vieira in May 1990 [ see p. 37802 ] in response to demands for change .
5 They were filming at Bloomwater , a stately home in Berkshire which had been built by Sir Henry Manceville , an eccentric nobleman , in 1780 .
6 The inquest heard that the children had got into the site through a hole in a wire fence which had been made by the fire brigade to drain and the tank .
7 Other groups may have bettered these results ; they are gleaned from Special Action Feedbacks which had been received by AIBS at the time we went to press .
8 Hall defended the action he had taken and proposed that ‘ during the recess , to look at the designs which had been approved by the judges , and endeavour to ascertain the expense of carrying them out ; but nothing further would be done until the House was informed on that point ’ .
9 Nero 's adoption of this type of official portrait was an aspect of his revival of the practice of likening the emperor to a god , a practice which had been avoided by the emperors of the previous ninety years ( see also p. 40 ) ; at the same time the choice of this particular model marks a major stage in the growing importance Nero attached to his own theatrical and musical performances which , when given in public , deeply shocked traditional Romans .
10 For this purpose sensitive ‘ Serrate ’ detectors were fitted into Beaufighters — aircraft which had been developed by the Bristol Aircraft Company from the ‘ Britain First ’ , with substantial private sponsorship .
11 In late August , however , only days before the body was due to be transported , Imelda Marcos announced that the burial had been delayed on the grounds that she would not submit the body of her husband to the " indignity " of being transported on the cargo aircraft which had been offered by the Philippines ' government .
12 The plan is in the form of a Greek cross with arms of equal length and it is based upon the design of the famous Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople which had been begun by Constantine and rebuilt by Justinian but which was destroyed in 1463 .
13 The agreement released 1,300 million guilders ( US$720 million ) in aid which had been suspended by the Netherlands ( the colonial power until 1975 ) after the execution of leading Surinamese opposition figures by the military in December 1982 [ see pp. 31950-52 ] .
14 Mike Rosen , poet and broadcaster , was the champion of a strategy for reading dependent on enthusing readers by offering them books which they could enjoy , books which had been chosen by them or for them by people who knew about children 's books .
15 In sum , the power to award their own degrees would be conferred only to those institutions which had been accredited by the C.N.A.A .
16 The context was an action in the Norwegian court to set aside a retrospective tax assessment which had been raised by the Norwegian tax authorities against the estate of a deceased taxpayer who , it was alleged , was the beneficial owner of the assets which he had not declared for tax purposes .
17 MIND 's particular concern was the lack of a coherent strategy between the different health and local authorities which had been served by Banstead .
18 As king , Gundovald proceeded to take oaths of loyalty from those civitates which had been held by Chilperic , as well as those still subject to Guntram .
19 She was a thin , long-waisted girl of about thirty , with a bony , intelligent face and a cap of dark curling hair which had been layered by an obvious expert , and no doubt expensive , hand to lie in swathes across the forehead and to curl into the nape of her high-arched neck .
20 The Harman study looked at the ninety-six cases which had been decided by the Registered Homes Tribunal between 1985 and 1989 .
21 Their warm Spanish eyes in luxuriant black eyelashes melted my heart which had been chilled by the dark-glassed fascists in the city streets .
22 He was still grinning when they rode into the camp which had been built by the Moi in a bend of the slow-flowing river .
23 Hurt was celebrating an award which had been won by his TV series The Storyteller and was staggering around in a drunken haze when he turned on the paparazzi and yelled , ‘ Those bastards have been winding me up all night .
24 The summit also approved plans which had been outlined by ECO Secretary-General Ali Reza Salari at an ECO ministerial council meeting in Ankara on Feb. 5 for the harmonization of transport and communications , the reduction by 10 per cent of customs duties on a list of goods , and the establishment of a joint investment and development bank .
25 It appeared that other newspapers had been ready to publish the proposals which had been finalised by Mr Andreas Whittam Smith , editor of the Independent , after Tuesday 's meeting , which he chaired .
26 In a negative sense , they argued that active citizenship was a healthy return to old values which had been submerged by passive reliance on the ‘ nanny state ’ .
27 Waksman is said to have been shown a culture of tubercle bacilli which had been killed by a fungus in 1932 , but he was not tempted to pursue the implications of this observation .
28 The ‘ Legitimist ’ nobility , that is those who remained loyal to the elder Bourbon branch which had been deposed by the Revolution of 1830 , kept itself aloof from the court of the ‘ parvenu ’ , just as it had shunned that of Louis-Philippe .
29 The severity of the sentences served to defuse the explosive ramifications of a case which had been portrayed by members of the black community as a latter-day lynching .
30 Mrs Mandela 's statement read by Mr Ayob said the allegations concerning Dr Asvat were a ‘ rehash ’ of evidence given at her Supreme Court trial which had been rejected by the court .
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