Example sentences of "[noun] from an [noun] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The feral Faenol or Vaynol herd of Bangor , North Wales , was of Scottish origin and was thought to have much Highland blood in it , but blood tests have disproved this ( though one animal was shown to have a trace of Indian blood from an experiment in the 1880s ) .
2 I am a veritable doubting Thomas about the industry 's claim that if Sizewell B goes ahead , there will be significant benefits in the long term from an increase in the British share of the world market for PWR related products and services .
3 And so , on a blustery February evening in the very middle of the South Pacific summer and , I was warned , of the hurricane season — I flew to within striking distance of Tafahi from an airfield in the Republic of Fiji .
4 She is in danger from an enemy in the shape of a friend .
5 A serious American tourist had bought his round trip ticket from an agency in the centre of Puno and had paid twenty-eight thousand intis .
6 An investigation 's been launched into how three American bombers from an airbase in the region were involved in a near miss with a helicopter over the North Sea .
7 I do n't know if any of the other Sunday rags picked this up but here are a few snippets from an article in the ‘ Yorkshire on Sunday ’ , entitled ‘ Batty blasts Leeds ’ ( 26.12.93 )
8 Mr Duval now works with US journalist Jane Regan and one other full-time colleague from an office in the capital , Port-au-Prince .
9 A strange and often savage creature from an island in the Indian Ocean , the miraj was a large hare with yellow fur , who sported a single spiralling black horn in the centre of its forehead .
10 However , the fear remained that excluding the working man from an involvement in the national political system could make for problems .
11 And then she read out excerpts from an article in the Times .
12 RESULTS from an experiment in a salt mine 600 m below ground in Ohio have extended the known lifetime of the proton by a factor of 10 .
13 He had a note from an officer in the army saying that he ‘ had experience with animals and was reliable ’ .
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