Example sentences of "[noun] at four [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 T. D. I was on the beat round Stanley Hospital and I got to this point at four o'clock on the Saturday morning .
2 On a wet Wednesday in March 1987 , as part of a short survey - not scientifically conducted , but as part of a personal investigation into the cause of alienation among secondary age children — I found myself with a group of seven girls and one boy , between the ages of twelve and fifteen , at the Didcot Health Centre at four o'clock in the afternoon .
3 ABC television memorably noted that " Sarah Brightman could n't act scared if she was on the New York subway at four o'clock in the morning " ; while Frank Rich of the New York Times — the feared " butcher of Broadway " — remarked that she " simulates fear and affection alike by screwing her face into bug-eyed , chipmunk-like poses " , and that Lloyd Webber 's score was " long on pop professionalism , and impoverished of artistic personality and passion " .
4 She dressed in her best , encouraged by Marian and Izz , who sent her on her way at four o'clock in the morning .
5 It did not surprise him at all that the Chairman 's answer should come , hand-delivered , to his villa at four o'clock in the morning , and that the rendezvous would be away from Baghdad .
6 I hardly think that I 'm able to run about banging doors at four o'clock in the morning .
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