Example sentences of "[noun] but i [adv] [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a bit bust on one side but I really like it .
2 ‘ A friend keeps inviting me to visit her in Scotland but I always turn her down .
3 I am excited and absorbed in my purpose to return to the inn but I never find my way there again .
4 Former British Lions captain John Dawes , brought in two years ago to halt the slide of the Richmond-based club , insists : ‘ We had four dreadful years but I honestly believe we can climb back up again . ’
5 It probably was n't bubbling and smoking away like a witch 's cauldron but I certainly remember it that way What was it ?
6 We are beginning to play some good stuff but I still think we can step u Arsenal were quickly off the mark , going ahead after only five minutes when a long David Seaman clearance found its way to Lee Dixon , whose early pass picked out Alan Smith .
7 Well Mr er Deputy Speaker I er do n't wish to er follow the honourable member of one of my er neighbours but I actually think it 's really part of grown up politics to ensure that the political opinion of a nation is adequately represented in the forums of that nation whether it be in this place or in the European er parliament and to that extent I make no bones about it that erm I wish that we were debating a different electoral system and Mr Deputy Speaker going back to the minister 's introduction erm it is a fact , I did n't wish to intervene because I did n't , it 's a short debate and I did n't want to take up er extra time , but it is a fact is it not that our electoral system unique across Europe means that our deadline as opposed to what the French are going to do is different to all the other member states .
8 I pay 11p a week to be a member of the union but I really think it is a waste of hard earned money .
9 I mean I 've heard of the Four Horseman and the Apocalypse but I never know who wrote it .
10 ‘ I still have a nagging disappointment and frustration from that first leg but I still believe we have a big chance .
11 ‘ Father Reynard was a suspect but I now know he was busy riding to Woodstock .
12 Australia are calling it a warm-up game for before the World Cup but I just hope they feel a little heat from my boys .
13 I know this will be unpopular especially as he has won the League but I just feel he does n't handle ALL his players well .
14 I 've tried to love my stepson but I really resent him .
15 ‘ I do n't know if I want to be doing this in ten years ’ time but I certainly believe it is important to plan ahead .
16 As I said the er , the trolley buses were being phased out and the buses , the motor buses were being used more than ever and I do n't know the date of the last trolley bus running but I well remember it being reported time , it was the erm , bus was packed on its last journey from Electric House and people were photographing it .
17 ‘ I have no particular objection to the name John but I never use it and it is not how I like to be known .
18 I do n't want to push her out of the house but I just know I 've reached the stage of not being able to cope any more . ’
19 ‘ I have a good business partner but I still find it hard dealing with this 365 days a year .
20 We had a cheese press at Low Birk Hatt but I never recall it being used by our family .
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