Example sentences of "[noun] but [pron] [verb] [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 Now correlation , in a similar way , measures something similar to association but it gives you a bit more detail .
2 I gather this is normal practice but I find it a little unreasonable .
3 It is neither the ninety seven thousand , nine hundred and fifty seven pounds claim by Mr nor the forty seven thousand one hundred and eighty five pound figure contended for by Mr but I find it a fair figure for the cost of the plaintiff 's transport in the years ahead .
4 I intended to ask the Baronessa Dulcibene why she had come to pay her last respects to this mysterious Englishman but she gave me a glassy look of non-recognition and moved rapidly away with her companion .
5 It took them I ca n't remember how many hours but it took them a long time .
6 We never sold anything of course but it gave me a sort of status plus it was a very interesting time to be around the art world .
7 Einstein proposed a simple relationship but it took him a number of years to identify the precise form of the curvature tensor involved .
8 He claimed the housing market was showing signs of revival but he gave it a prod anyway by raising the threshold on stamp duty from £30,000 to £60,000 , move that will help mainly first-time buyers .
9 And he said well my father is doing today I ca n't do today I 'll do it Friday and I shouted down the stairs but he owes you a day you should n't be going in .
10 ‘ We saw each other around quite a lot but it took me a while to warm up .
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