Example sentences of "[noun] 's [noun pl] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Early this year , the Jakes government collected together the eight films banned outright in 1970 , including Menzel 's Skylarks On A String .
2 He tossed his horse 's reins to a groom and went storming off looking for Dacourt .
3 Klima 's stories breathe a delicate patriotism — which is not absent , either , from Kundera 's accounts of a country which is harder to inhabit , or remain in , or return to .
4 An act of God is usually held to have been the spark which ignited Ceauşescu 's ambitions as a town-planner and architect of communism and spurred him to act on them .
5 DAMON HILL 'S hopes of a place in the top two of the Canadian Grand Prix were wrecked by his own Canon Williams team when they bungled a crucial pit stop .
6 Meanwhile Fish has slammed councillors who blocked the club 's plans for a Monday market at the team 's Boothferry Road ground .
7 Rebel Barnet shareholders are set to ask the Department of Trade and Industry to investigate the club 's finances in a bid to have Flashman kicked out of Underhill .
8 CORK City ended tiny Cwmbran 's European dream and dashed the Welsh club 's hopes of a glamour trip to Turkey .
9 The Soviet media explained Washington 's rejection of Brezhnev 's proposals as a reflection of its intention ‘ to continue to maintain its strategic military presence in and around the Gulf ’ .
10 They switched on the car 's headlights as a beacon ; but , all of a sudden , as the Prince and his companions were half-way across the water , the lights swung round and moved away as the vehicle set off down the glen .
11 The girl was already producing the car 's documents from a compartment below the instrument panel .
12 So far David 's letters from a couple of children who understand his fascination but what he really wants is enough other fans to set up a collectors club for cone crazies .
13 JOHN DEVEREUX 'S hopes of a summer stint with Australian club Manly have been dashed .
14 Borrowing effectively from Hitchcock 's STRANGERS ON A TRAIN , Curtis Hanson 's nightmare thriller stars James Spader as Michael , a young , buttoned-down contender in the corporate arena in Los Angeles , headed for a passionless marriage with a suitably beautiful brunette .
15 ANDY Gregory 's hopes of a comeback with Leeds in tomorrow night 's Stones Bitter championship clash with Warrington have been scrapped .
16 ‘ There 's something in one of Kipling 's stories about a fellow who says he knows his soul 's gone rotten because he ca n't get drunk any more .
17 We should respond favourably to Mr. Gorbachev 's proposals for a moratorium on testing .
18 Holdaway ( 1983 : 72 ) noted how lawyers were seen by Hilton 's police as a threat because they unmask police practice , and , along with doctors and social workers , they were considered ‘ challengers ’ .
19 His words reached Lucy 's ears in a non-committal tone .
20 BJORN BORG 'S hopes of a return to his former glories received another setback when he was beaten 6–3 , 6–7 , 7–6 by Venezuela 's Nicolas Pereira in the second round of an exhibition event in Houston , writes John Parsons .
21 But he more than made up for that night by setting up both Arsenal 's goals with a performance of poise and maturity .
22 Leighton , who returned to Scotland via Reading and Arsenal , has been languishing in Dundee 's reserves after a loss of form .
23 A spokesman for Maverick described the film as a hybrid of The Player and Ingmar Bergman 's Scenes From A Marriage .
24 Coenwulf had several brothers and would seem to have been a member of a very powerful kindred , some of whose landed estates were centred on the region of Winchcombe , but none of his forebears had reigned as kings and Alcuin 's observations in a letter to the people of Kent in 797 that scarcely anyone was to be found now of the old stock of kings and the more obscure their origin , the less their courage , could certainly be construed as a slight on Coenwulf .
25 He described Roberts 's observations on a reduction in KMAG as timely :
26 MR ASHDOWN served notice last night that his party would seek to block Labour 's plans for a 59p top rate of tax — including the extra nine per cent national insurance contributions — if Mr Kinnock becomes Prime Minister in a hung Parliament .
27 The low question cut through Ellen 's objections like a scythe through dry hay .
28 The facts that might have prompted CSM to take a more serious view of Opren at its November 1981 meeting are : 1 its own unprecedented number of adverse reaction reports ; which by 1 November 1981 included over 20 deaths which reporting doctors suspected to be due to an Opren reaction ; 2 The reports of the Paris symposium , which it could have attended ; and 3 Dista 's suggestions for a change in the dosage recommendations .
29 Historians are divided over Richard 's abilities as a king .
30 The Court of Appeal , with regret , rejected their claim on the ground that , although the relevant statutory provision declared a dismissal to be unfair if the reason for it was that the employee proposed to join a trade union or take part in union activities , the provision was ‘ not concerned with an employer 's reactions to a trade union 's activities , but with his reactions to an individual employee 's activities in a trade union context ’ ( Sir John Donaldson MR ) .
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