Example sentences of "[noun] do [pron] [verb] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What sort of a racehorse d' you think you get for a hundred quid ?
2 So again you 've got to come up with your main heading what kinds of words do you think you 've got to have in your main heading ?
3 Mm , have to remember that in future Do you mean she 's got over her illness then ?
4 How many embalmers do you know who have 1 or 2 arterials , 1 cavity fluid and that 's it .
5 whose , whose car do you want us to take ?
6 Pete has never touched my hair in my life and there was some downstairs in that bathroom downstairs and I thought hey that looks a bit of fun , I 'll have a go at that and erm and I was outside and I took my hair down , I 'd just washed it and I said oh look , you know , I used this hair thickening shampoo do you think it looks thicker , as a joke , and he goes yeah it does actually , yeah it really does .
7 Only when they saw the hooded men with blood-covered knives approaching their cars did they realise what lay in store for them .
8 What kind of pyjamas does he wear I wonder ?
9 And I see he beginning to believe , and so I go what work do you think she do ?
10 But the thing that fascinated me last night was the statistic about Gillette do you know they said when Gillette started When Gillette started doing the erm Gillette Cup , it cost them five thousand a year .
11 She 's already said , how many bottles do you want me to bring ?
12 I said well I 'll be quite honest mate , there 's two hundred people working in this factory and I said , if you think that e all the charge hands and the supervisors have got to come down and roll up you lot to get the job done I said you turn round and you think if you was in business , whatever it is you like to do , if you 're in business and you 've got an order and that order 's got ta be out by six o'clock tonight and you 've got ta grovel to your workers otherwise you 'd lose that order , I said what would you say ?
13 So what sort of targets do you see yourself setting ?
14 Only when Marianne swept from the room did she allow herself to collapse into a chair , closing her eyes and rubbing her fingers over her forehead .
15 What difference do you think it makes that three quarters of the news desk are women ?
16 What about erm these little going away gift do you want them do you wan na get some choccies for them or
17 Now when Mr did your did you have an involvement in the decision to mount the operation at in September of nineteen eighty eight .
18 Chairman er , I have a petition that I have been asked to present er at what point do you wish me to do that ?
19 And how many different places do you think you worked at ?
20 How many tapes do they expect you to fill up John ?
21 Not for a moment do I want you to believe unthinkingly in what I say .
22 Roll on the summer how many tapes did they give you to do ?
23 How many apples d' you reckon he ate ? ’
24 Wht sort of wife do you expect me to want for my brother ?
25 Why the devil do you think I came haring over here ?
26 ‘ What the devil do you think I want , fellow ? ’ came the irritable reply .
27 ‘ How much sailing did you say you 'd done ? ’ he enquired in that soft even tone she knew to be lethal .
28 I 'd abandoned the empty house and walked joyfully into the woods and only by chance did I know what had hit me .
29 He lifted his dark head and gave her a penetrating stare , noted her expression , and asked swiftly , ‘ What relationship did you think I meant ? ’
30 He waited until this pantomime was over , then asked again , ‘ What relationship did you think I meant , Sarella ? ’
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