Example sentences of "[noun] they [vb past] be [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Here officers are tracking a car they believed was stolen in Milton Keynes .
2 What people wanted was food in the shops and a slice of the materialist cake they saw being gobbled in the West .
3 Later that evening they had been sitting in a restaurant and Maggie had looked at Tom and said , her delicate face and long neck almost visibly aquiver with pleasure ,
4 I still number some of them as personal friends all these years later , but at the time what struck me was their unbelievable competence and sheer quality compared with the wretchedly small scope they had been given in prewar Britain .
5 A frisson of disbelief and unease passed though the male patrons as the woman they had been watching in simulated copulation on the screen materialised in the flesh before their very eyes .
6 Of this great brooding complex mineral creature they had been dropped in the midst of — safely , yes , into a pocket of calm and inattention , locally barren of signs of life … though barren for how long ?
7 As reported , the authors found ‘ disturbing ’ the fact that half of the sample CID investigations they examined were lacking in some details or were actually unsatisfactory ’ .
8 In the first year of the new tour , Len Owen , then tournament director for the Benson and Hedges tournament at Wembley , revealed that they were expecting to have to pay $500,000 in appearance money , in addition to the same amount they had been offering in prize money when they were a protected event .
9 Here is a moment when the danger to the dismasted Hurrying Angel becomes apparent to the exhausted crew as the light grows and they can view the sea they had been fighting in the dark :
10 He had been sending in listings , even reports , on the gigs they had been running in Birmingham .
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