Example sentences of "[noun] that no [indef pn] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 George Bush calls the Iraqi missile attacks on Israel ‘ outrageous ’ while exalting the prowess of those who have thrown double the explosive power of the Hiroshima Bomb on Baghdad , not to liberate Kuwait , but to control the oil , and remind all Arab peoples that no one can defy the American will to become the world 's policemen now that the Soviet Union is not to be counted for as an opponent .
2 But she had already begun to feel ill with shame at the fear that no one would choose her , the way she always felt when they picked teams at school .
3 Oyston is also chairman and owner of Blackpool Football Club , and is seeking the permission of the League to waive their rule that no one may hold more than 10 per cent of a club if he has a financial interest in another .
4 There are a few exceptions to the general rule that no one can make a transfer of goods who is not the owner .
5 It is a legal rule that no one can transfer a better title than the one which they own .
6 From the fact that it was chosen by lot , with the further provision that no one might serve on it more than two years in his life , it is clear that the Athenians of the fifth and fourth centuries intended that the council should have no chance of developing a corporate sense , which would enable it to take on an independent life , and wished it to be merely a fair sample of the Athenian people , whose views would naturally coincide with those of the people .
7 cross-hatched by flames that no one can remember .
8 After the 1974 general election , Liberal Democrats have been nervously recalling , Mr Heath urgently tried to contact the then Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe to negotiate a pact , only to be informed by Liberal Party headquarters that no one could find Mr Thorpe 's telephone number .
9 ‘ They made turnover projections that no one would have managed to meet , ’ reflects Sue Carroll .
10 The conviction started from my body and the discovery that no one could prevent me — if I were determined enough — from treating it as I wished .
11 In a memorable analogy the black African nationalist ( and socialist ) leader Leopold Senghor had said that the French Union must not be built like a cage that no one would care to enter ; but in the Ho-Sainteny agreement the Vietminh were in effect being asked to take up the tenancy of a building that had not yet been constructed .
12 To stress this is to labour the obvious , but it underlines the point that no one can know exhaustively how he knows what he knows .
13 Thus the desire that no one should fail became , among some educationalists , a means of totally cutting some children off from any possible means of succeeding , in the normal sense of the word .
14 The first method is for the NHS to provide such a poor service that no one would choose it .
15 Told by high authority that no one could understand him in a pulpit , he worried about sermons more than anything .
16 But London 's pattern of hospitals is such a historical muddle that no one can wave a wand and transform everything overnight .
17 They produce beef that no one will buy at the price at which they want to sell it , so they are subsidised by the European taxpayer to dump it in West Africa , where it destroys the livelihoods of poor farmers .
18 We feel like a patient with a possible terminal illness that no one will tell the results of the tests .
19 ‘ I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut
20 ‘ I 've had a few hasty assignations in lay-bys to pass over pots of prepared food that no one must know were n't prepared by the hostess , ’ says Mrs Anderson .
21 The Spirit of Romance is undertaken on the principle that Pound never ceased to hammer home , notably in How To Read and The ABC of Reading : the principle that no one can understand the history of poetry in English unless he or she takes note of poetry in , or responsibly translated out of , other languages than English .
22 The chase films swept away by this development may have been repetitive but they offered an excitement that no one can have secured from the sight of London stage actors running through potted silent versions of Shakespeare .
23 Although Blanche has brought the consequences of her actions on herself she suffers in a way that no one should have to suffer .
24 Yes , or did once when it was important to him professionally , when there was still the lurking doubt that no one would call any more to offer him a great new role , an insecurity built on the fact they no one did call in the first fourteen years of his professional life .
25 Yet bigger men than them have learned to their cost that no one can behave like that .
26 His Metropole is a Cathedral of such awe- inspiring magnificence that no one can look at it without feeling he is in the presence of a concept beyond human scale .
27 As Eric Fawcett recalls , ‘ It was a polymer so unlike the polymers known at the time that no one could envisage a use for it .
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