Example sentences of "[noun] that will [verb] them [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Aggressive and destructive children usually can not be contained purely by the ignoring and rewarding methods described in the previous chapter , so parents need to learn alternative management methods that will enable them to gain rapid and effective control .
2 ‘ I think that in any case technological developments ensure that there is no point in trying to propagandize or conceal , because people have access to the truth — at least , in theory they have access to more data that will enable them to determine what the truth of a matter is — through satellites , facsimiles , etc .
3 An 80 page Activity Book containing tasks and exercises designed to help students develop skills that will enable them to benefit from any news broadcast in English .
4 It is also essential that more women be given an opportunity to be trained in skills that will enable them to become development communicators themselves .
5 History teachers need to ensure that their pupils have the basic reference skills that will allow them to make effective use of books .
6 ‘ That remains my purpose and I believe what we will come forward with for the future of local government will lead to the kind of strong , robust single-tier authorities that will enable them to fulfil their important democratic functions and deliver quality services to their local residents .
7 This suggest that if manufacturers spend on training , it is difficult for rivals to achieve the level of competitiveness that will allow them to poach workers or markets .
8 Devise a clear set of questions that will enable them to select and use appropriate information sources and reference books from the class and school library .
9 This has been described as the first ‘ social laboratory ’ where children can experiment with relationships and learn to cope with change , envy , competitiveness and rivalry — things that will help them to develop social skills .
10 Recognising that security really only comes from within , people need to recognise and appreciate those qualities that will help them to face an uncertain future .
11 Keep it loose , you are not planting yet ; the purpose is simply to hold the bushes steady , to protect the roots from drying out and keep them in an environment that will encourage them to begin making new growth .
12 It is important that they slowly build up a historical vocabulary , and learn some of the technical terms that will allow them to talk about what they can see .
13 Although we can not expect them to become typographers or graphic designers , we do believe that even in the short time available during our course we can give them what might be called an aesthetic awareness that will enable them to make reasonable decisions in their future work .
14 The aim of this guidance document is to provide users with information that will enable them to use the new Sciences provision effectively .
15 I do propose to seek information that will help them to make a better job of rearing those children .
16 Schools need to establish an " early warning " system that will enable them to identify potential failure before it occurs .
17 In coping with their depression they will also have gained insights that will help them to understand other people better and be more able to offer acceptable sympathy and help .
18 To enable teachers to perform this function with regard to language , they will need in their training the research tools that will enable them to do this .
19 What the students want her to do is to give them some basic facts that will enable them to read the novels as simple straightforward reflections of ‘ reality ’ , and to write simple , straightforward , exam-passing essays about them .
20 What the students want her to do is to give them some basic facts that will enable them to read the novels as simple straightforward reflections of ‘ reality ’ , and to write simple , straightforward , exam-passing essays about them .
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