Example sentences of "[noun] that they [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed to professionals and parents that there are certain ways in which young people can be helped : regimes they should follow ; treatments that are essential to their well-being ; skills and knowledge they require ; and risks that they need to be sheltered from .
2 ‘ ( 4 ) Are the answers to questions ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) affected by the fact that the measure in question has been introduced with the object and effect of rendering a number of fishing vessels which immediately prior to the date of such measure coming into effect have been duly registered in and licensed to fish by the member state in question and which are to a substantial extent beneficially owned by nationals of another member state , resident and domiciled in that other member state , ineligible to fly the flag of the first member state with the result that they cease to be eligible to fish against the catch quotas allocated to the first member state under the Common Fisheries Policy unless ownership and management of the vessels are transferred to citizens of the first member state resident and domiciled therein in accordance with the provisions of the said measure ?
3 ‘ ( 4 ) Are the answers to questions ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) affected by the fact that the measure in question has been introduced with the object and effect of rendering a number of fishing vessels which immediately prior to the date of such measure coming into effect have been duly registered in and licensed to fish by the member state in question and which are to a substantial extent beneficially owned by nationals of another member state , resident and domiciled in that other member state , ineligible to fly the flag of the first member state with the result that they cease to be eligible to fish against the catch quotas allocated to the first member state under the Common Fisheries Policy unless ownership and management of the vessels are transferred to citizens of the first member state resident and domiciled therein in accordance with the provisions of the said measure ?
4 I 'd pretty much made up my mind that they had to be forced into action , but it was such a difficult decision .
5 They are simply not they do n't expect the level of sexual tension that they seem to be identifying as a problem in Oxford .
6 Fleischmann and Pons worried that the numbers of neutrons that they appeared to be seeing were billions less than should have been the case if their heat data were correct and due to fusion .
7 The number of people who are so disabled by their distress that they have to be cared for in institutions is very small indeed .
8 approximately twenty-five per cent of the children evacuated were in such a filthy condition that they had to be specially treated .
9 There were 6 dead animals and two sheep were in such bad condition that they had to be put down .
10 Research shows that over a third of people in pain get relief from inert tablets that they believe to be painkillers .
11 Third World states tend to take over the foreign investments that they consider to be important for national development .
12 This should not surprise you , for it happens also to be the case that they tend to be an exceptionally well-qualified crowd .
13 The police service themselves recognize that there has to be a a need for change that they have to be brought up to date er and er I think you 'll see when I a announce my decisions on the Sheahy report er that er I am taking the need to er reform the police service , very seriously indeed .
14 The remit of the Technology Foresight steering group includes overseeing the collection of information on scientific opportunities and potential market applications , and with consultation from researchers and industrialists , to produce working documents that will advise CST on the technologies that they judge to be of most importance to the country 's economy .
15 Indeed in the Rubin and Kozin ( 1984 ) study subjects were asked to describe ‘ flashbulb memories ’ without the constraint that they had to be related to newsworthy events .
16 When Queenie talks about the increased expenditure on recreation from nineteen eighty to now , that 's quite right , there has been a huge increase in spending , and that 's because the Labour Council was committed to improving recreation facilities in the City , and it did n't continue the appalling record that the Conservative administration had had before of virtually no recreational facilities , it invested in recreation facilities — you listed them yourself — and of course those facilities have to be paid for and on when we have stood for election we 've always made it clear that we want to provide quality services , but of course that they have to be paid for , and so the second point that you then made was that , you know , our budget 's gone up beyond belief , well I mean this year it 's being cut by two million pounds , last year it was a standstill budget , and erm that has been done at a time when in fact Central Government has been transferring responsibilities from Central Government onto Local Government without increasing , indeed at the same time decreasing the amount of Central Government grant that 's gone to local councils .
17 And that that came round er I mean they were stamped and er the turn you know the each I I do n't I do n't remember what what they were examined , but er th you know the the that was the law that they had to be .
18 Party loyalty is by no means an irrelevant factor in explaining and predicting the behaviour of congressmen , but on any issue that they perceive to be contentious within their districts nobody expects a member of Congress to put party before district .
19 He persuaded the dealers at the time a fiercely independent group of businessmen who did n't like the idea of belonging to any organisations that they needed to be heard by the government , museums , and collectors .
20 Constables have a definite view about the style of authority they prefer in officers , which is summed up well by the remark that they need to be ‘ one of the boys ’ : that is , they should not stand on ceremony and overtly assert their authority .
21 Do they really provide such an appalling fir that they need to be replaced , at no small expense , by a more intricate system designed to provide perfect synthesis between the foot and the shoe ?
22 The Orphists were not adequately represented at this Salon , since Delaunay himself refused to show there , but at the Indépendants of 1914 the Orphist canvases were so numerous and of such large dimensions that they had to be placed in the largest and most important hall on the ground floor .
23 Some member States may protest against actions of an organisation that they claim to be outside its powers as , for example , did France and the Soviet Union to the establishment of UNEF and ONUC .
24 Because there was a great Tory voice sounded throughout the press and the mass media you see , that er on compensation for the railways , if there ever should be nationalization that they had to be amply compensated you see .
25 It is largely up to the banks themselves to decide on the ratio that they consider to be ‘ prudent ’ : i.e. the ratio that provides them with enough liquid assets to enable them to meet any demands for cash .
26 In contrast with the patient and virtuous English , the French were portrayed as , at best , dissembling , unscrupulous and bellicose ; in fact , the patriotic exuberance of some clergy so overwhelmed Christian charity that they had to be warned against making their prayers too bloodthirsty !
27 I knew a self-employed barman by the name of Kenny who , the Christmas before , had thought up the wicked scheme of telling the chestnut-roasters that they had to be licensed street vendors .
28 Section 682 provides that income arising under a settlement shall be deemed not to have been distributed if and to the extent that it exceeds the aggregate of : ( i ) the sums , excluding all payments of interest , paid in that year by the trustees of the settlement to any persons ( not being a body corporate connected with the settlement and not being the trustees of another settlement made by the settlor or the trustees of the settlement ) in such manner that they fall to be treated in that year , otherwise than by virtue of s677 above , as the income of those persons for the purposes of income tax , or would fall to be so treated if those persons were domiciled , resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom and the sums had been paid to them there ; and ( ii ) subject to s682(2)– ( 5 ) ( rules for ascertaining undistributed income where interest is paid by trustees ) any expenses of the trustees of the settlement paid in that year which , in the absence of any express provision of the settlement , would be properly chargeable to income , in so far as such expenses are not included in the sums mentioned in para ( i ) above ; and ( iii ) in a case where the trustees of the settlement are trustees for charitable purposes , the amount by which any income arising under the settlement in that year in respect of which exemption from tax may be granted under s505 of TA 1988 exceeds the aggregate amount of any such sums or expenses as aforesaid paid in that year which are properly chargeable to that income .
29 The expert should then be invited to make any further comments that they feel to be necessary .
30 They are asked to produce a specimen report , listing those features that they consider to be important .
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