Example sentences of "[noun] that he have [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 That effort marked him as a classic possible and his work on the gallops leaves no doubt in my mind that he has trained on and can dispose of Azhar on his way to better things .
2 ( And as Lucy was shuffling tensely and waiting for someone to respond , Joe Lucas was in his hotel room and trying to prise the cap off a fresh bottle of painkillers that he 'd picked up , along with some disposable razors and a few other essentials , from a late-opening pharmacy on Piccadilly .
3 Mrs Bridges maintained : ‘ Mr Newton admitted on Friday that he had made up his end of the story .
4 It had n't actually been Guy Sterne 's fault that he 'd barged in and found her naked in his bedroom last night , even if his mocking treatment of the incident had been grossly insulting …
5 Thomas 's house , which he could barely keep up , was run mostly on the income from a small chain of modern toy shops that he had built up for his wife over the years .
6 And shortly after the daylight found him , he was pensively studying a box of a dozen contraceptives that he 'd turned out of her soapcase .
7 No longer would he have to pin all his hopes on the random burglaries that he 'd carried out in that first couple of days , none of which had turned up anything better than a shotgun or a low-calibre target weapon ; those were useless for his purpose , and he 'd left them where he 'd found them .
8 Pope John , it is said , ‘ had not envisaged the possibility of rejection and expected a rapid and painless vote in favour of projects that he had read through and welcomed with full approval ’ ( Ratzinger Report , 1985 , p. 41 ) .
9 So far removed was it , both in time and in temper , from the realities of a large city parish and the growing bewilderment and tribulation that the first two decades of the new century had visited upon its inhabitants that his birthplace and its memories became as insubstantial as the tales of Cuchullain and the Red Branch Knights that he had read about in school .
10 In fact he asked that you tell the Prince 's headquarters that he 's gone back towards Charleroi . ’
11 David Arthur , 18 , of Blackstoun Avenue , Linwood , Renfrewshire , claimed during a trial that he had lashed out at the victim , Greig Mooney , 18 , with a broken umbrella he had found discarded in the street .
12 In a brief half-mile the whole dream that he had built up had dissolved .
13 Some sixty per cent of the amendments that we 've adopted in this field have been incorporated in the finished legislation and that means in reality that much of the content of these laws has come from Nigel 's pen , the pens of the other trade unionists inside and outside the G M B that he 's plugged in to that system extremely worthwhile .
14 More news about Jack is the announcement that he has handed over the reins of the Midland Embalming School to John Davis who , apart from being a trade embalmer has a varied background in nursing , counselling , laboratory work and school teaching .
15 A wild idea occurred to him — why did n't he just get his spare shirts and the few pieces that he 'd picked up while he 'd been staying here , throw them all into a bag , and jump on a train or a bus to present himself on their doorstep ?
16 And at the same time ashamed of the affliction that he had brought down on himself .
17 He had simply hesitated to take the plunge and stake on a worthwhile weekend with her , and it was pure chance that he had made up his mind just after he had learned her name .
18 On this particular Monday morning , Adrian had the feeling that he had woken up in a colour supplement .
19 ‘ When the proposals failed , I gave up on the profession and have not set foot in the Institute since , but it is characteristic of Bill 's commitment that he has carried on regardless . ’
20 From the fishing bag he took a scope sight and two boxes of ammunition , one of them depleted from the sighting-in that he 'd carried out in a deserted glen on the drive south .
21 The reason the trade union movement should support the Maastricht Treaty is it 's the only Treaty that is on offer , there 's nothing else on offer but it 's a reasonable Treaty , it has differences in the U K and the reasons it has differences in the U K is the one Mr Major came back last December tell us what a wonderful opportunity it was for Britain , what a wonderful success it was for Britain that he 'd opted out of the Social Chapter .
22 The government had already been damaged when on July 12 a judge ruled that the Army Commander-in-Chief and former Sandinista leader Gen. Humberto Ortega Saavedra could face court martial on charges that he had covered up the murder of a 16-year-old youth by his bodyguards in October 1990 .
23 It was the first time in his life that he had slept out of doors ; as a boy , he and Jean-Paul had often pleaded to do this , and it had always been forbidden .
24 It took no more than a year before exhibitions of the works that he had brought out of Russia ( these being just part of what he had owned before leaving his best works to the Russian people ) began their triumphant tour of the prestigious galleries of Europe , America and Canada .
25 The symptoms that he had put up with for 20 years now became a real problem .
26 Was the vicious rumour that he had turned up late after a liquid lunch and did n't know what he was voting for true ?
27 Such is Mitterrand 's passion for golf that he has set up a Commission Ministerielle de terminologie du sport .
28 He denied reports that he had laid down conditions for the withdrawal of his resignation , and said that the inquiry was " not dependent on one person " and would go on .
29 He worked on the buses when he arrived , showed me a canopy in front of a hotel that he 'd brought down on his first solo drive .
30 But when he comes to the foot of the mountain and sees the worship of the calf for himself , we hear the sound of his anger too , and see him smashing the tablets of stone that he has brought down from the summit inscribed with God 's torah .
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