Example sentences of "[noun] that he [vb past] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But for reasons that he took to be his own error in transcription , anything that he pilfered straight from life never sounded convincing .
2 He had made the excuse that he needed to be there to greet the Prince of Wales , but making this pronouncement , which he had previously rehearsed many times , failed to fill him with the satisfaction he had anticipated .
3 So deep-rooted were his various obsessions and so pronounced his self-importance that he came to be regarded in some quarters as not merely an individualist but something of a crank .
4 Rhee therefore failed to secure the definite promises of American support that he deemed to be essential .
5 The SD station at Kitzingen in Lower Franconia , for example , which in its special report directly on the speech had declared that ‘ the rumours about the Führer are presumably disposed of ’ mentioned in its regular report a few days later that some workers had been heard saying that , from the speed and tone of voice , it had not been the Führer himself , but a substitute who had spoken , and Hitler himself had suffered such a shock from Stalingrad that he had to be kept under closely guarded house arrest on the Obersalzberg .
6 Well it 's one of those occupations or businesses that he had to be there more or less
7 He must tighten that clause and accept the argument that he claimed to be attempting to grasp , which is to target the offence on violent offenders .
8 Tralhaut comments that he seemed to be almost glorying in his failure to break down the barriers and ‘ storm the fortress ’ of his love 's frozen heart .
9 Reverend thought oh yes he 'd be very very glad of you , so he said I 'd be prepared to visit the sick , I 'd do anything like that and he did in fact start doing some visiting , and among other people that he called upon was a person living in Road , not very far really from where I 'd been born and I knew the area well .
10 But then in the 3rd and 5th parts of the transaction , the employee rejects the advice that he appeared to be asking for .
11 They were just little signs warning her that she had failed to keep Fenna the perfect secret that he had to be .
12 Officers refused to confirm reports that he had to be wrestled free by police .
13 Then , having announced to his prime minister that he hoped to be ‘ a president of national understanding ’ , he was called upon to review a military parade , before proceeding to attend a commemorative mass in the great Gothic Cathedral of St Vitus .
14 Carson stood in the open quadrangle of tended plants and empty benches that he assumed to be the ‘ garden area in the middle ’ , and looked around .
15 Hagans was sent to a bail hostel , with the only restriction that he had to be in between 11 p.m. at night and 7 a.m. in the morning .
16 Yet it was around this time that he settled for being an actor .
17 There was a cool mockery in his deep voice , and she turned to glare at him , hating him for the fact that he seemed to be deriving amusement from her discomfort .
18 His brain , never an overactive organ even on those rare moments when it was n't pickled in alcohol , grappled with the fact that he appeared to be in some sort of tent before triumphantly reaching the conclusion that he was at a party .
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