Example sentences of "[noun] that 's [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 . We believe that for a structure plan to go forward now in the present state of policy guidance , bearing in mind that 's on the basis of P P G twelve and with P P G thirteen lying in the wings .
2 I 've set up my own production company now to harness the talent that 's in the city and bring more media business to Birmingham .
3 If you want to park in Nottingham city centre there 's space at the Arndale Centre car park that 's at the bottom of Maid Marion Way or you could even made your way to the Stoney Street car park you 'll find that in the Leys Market .
4 In Nottingham city centre though the Royal Hotel car park that 's fairly busy and there are still queues at both entrances of the Victoria Centre and it will take you a good few minutes if you want to get yourself parked in Trinity Square car park they 're still operating on a one out one in basis so obviously better to avoid that one if you want to get yourself parked up you can avoid those queues there 's plenty of room at the Stoney Street car park that 's in the Market there 's always the Fletchergate car park St James Street you 'll find that next to the Albany Hotel or you could er make your way to the Broadmoor Centre you wo n't have to queue to get in there .
5 An , you know the metal bit that 's by the handle that 's a really poor safety device !
6 No , the bit that 's in the thing , there 's plus and minus stamped but on the back there 's but you assume , you assume that there 's
7 If it 's money that 's at the root of it , it 's going to be hellish difficult to get the details . ’
8 ‘ All they want from us is the money that 's in the boot .
9 And er the amount of money that 's in the appeal fund , whereas it shows a great feeling of warmth from the general public , I think I do n't I mean there 's people dying all over the world , even at home here in Orkney , there 's people that dying , they do n't receive any great compensation for that .
10 Quality system yeah well i that boiler that 's in the airing cupboard that do you know ?
11 I 'm talking about the milk that 's in the training room .
12 Cos I mean it 's it 's not the bikers it 's the other vehicle that 's on the road .
13 If there is more to be achieved in this forum , then I think my clients would like to fight for it because we we do believe that we would we do believe that logic and technical sense stands against the proposal that 's in the structure plan at the moment .
14 ‘ Well , there 's the lav and the 'andbasin that 's on the landin' , ’ said Mrs Beavis , ‘ but you got your own gas ring in the corner there .
15 Erm I could get that sixteen hundred Cortina engine that 's for the fitting as well .
16 Those were not the circumstances at Bilsthorpe , but the mines inspectorate insist they were right to allow the roof bolting in the tunnel , or narrow driveage that 's despite the fact that on one side instead of a good coal pillar , only wooden props supported the roof .
17 And that tablet , that ointment that 's for the doctor .
18 Lotus then takes a copy of the file that 's in the memory and overwrites the one that 's on the disk , the only time you change what 's on the disk .
19 JustText , by the way , includes a Thunderscan to PostScript routine that 's worth the price of the product alone .
20 Erm one of the problems that we 've been facing in the past , certainly , in G P House is the amount of stuff that 's on the floor and therefore we have n't actually been able to tackle these things very effectively .
21 We 've actually got clean water in there cos that 's clean water that 's in the bucket that the fish are swimming in now .
22 As well as all the junk that 's in the cleaner 's room , it all wants getting rid of .
23 Right then , off you go then , it 's my head that 's on the chopping block so you pull your socks up eh .
24 I says I know I says it 's not only cooperative bakeries that 's in the agreement .
25 You 've got to go for a ball that 's on the table .
26 measures than others in the area , right , and instal it before the weather gets too cold , and the price that 's on the contract will be the total amount you have to pay or something like that
27 All right yeah well let's erm le let's stick to talking about the leaf stem for now cos we do n't want to go on er slagging off every bit of art that 's around the city centre do we Barbara otherwise
28 If if if we if I withdraw the amendment in in terms that 's on the order paper and substitute after the , after the erm , wording where it goes traffic calming measures on the B forty one at Charnford and add on and that a further report be presented on traffic calming measures in response to the petition .
29 Could I tell your listeners a little bit about the good news that 's in the budget , because we 've talked we 've focused on the minuses so far , but there 's a lot of plusses as well .
30 the paper that 's in the wardrobe alcoves ?
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