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1 I 'm strong in mind , too , though it 's only since the kids that I 've got more patient and confident .
2 The difference that emerges is that whereas Labov 's statement is based on speaker-agreement within the dimension of social class ( and hence derivative from the ‘ shared value ’ hypothesis of stratificational class theory , on which see chapter 7 ) , the characterization that I have built up thus far is based on the variables of age , sex , area and network , within a single social class , and without reliance on a prior model or theory of social class .
3 To illustrate the point , and to suggest some possible choices , I shall pack a fictional bag for three very different trips that I have taken recently — a six-week winter trip to Nepal , including a trek to Everest Base Camp , a week 's backpacking in North Wales and a camping and birdwatching trip to New England during the Fall .
4 That photograph that I 've got where it 's all snowy 's his house and we lived just opposite .
5 But before you go rushing off to the river to catch a netful of chub , bear in mind that I have said only that chub are easy to catch compared to most other species .
6 I 've , I 've just been reading here some books that I 've got upstairs , and stuff , and I I I went to see one of erm Shakespeare 's erm , I went to see a Midnight Summer 's Dream
7 Oh dear , the thing is , as , as far as I can remember I ca n't find it in any of the two books that I 've got out at the moment , it 's not under , but I vaguely remember that you have to dig down a certain .
8 unless Andrew 's dropped some enormous goolies , I ca n't see that the plums that I 've picked out should be
9 In the va , in the various schools that I 've worked in I I 've
10 The only change that I have got here are minor things that were references from a previous meeting all the difficult stuff comes from the Quiff and the suggestion forms that I have not looked at yet , and so if you want to do that around a table because I do n't know whether that s right .
11 this , this jumper that I 've got on now , green one .
12 The legislative plans that I have announced today are designed to consolidate and build on the improvement in industrial relations which we have achieved over the last 12 years .
13 Titles that I have heard thus far are both digitally remixed and remastered — and very successful they are too .
14 I suppose while this is for me cos on the sponsorship issue is , would sponsorship have any impact in terms of what I might purchase so if I went to the Scottish Opera or the ballet or to the theatre and I bought a programme which I usually do and one of the things which is interesting about the evening that erm Alan and I spent last time at Scottish Council was that half the people attend Scottish Opera buy a programme and the programmes that I have sponsored always .
15 This last point is a familiar one , which fits in well with the remarks on observing patterns that I have discussed above .
16 I mean this is just the areas that I 've touched on , and again it 's in many cases it 's only fringe .
17 However , I can confirm that the overall value of the ships with equipment that I have announced today approaches £400 million .
18 The kind of pragmatic approach to pedagogy that I have outlined here depends on the recognition of the importance of intellectual effort and puts theoretical rigour at the service of practical relevance .
19 These should be derived from the fault-tree and event-tree and transient analyses that I have described above .
20 Det Chief Inspector David Morgan said : ‘ This is the biggest operation of its type that I have come across .
21 It is as part answer to that question that I have put forward the notion of language as screen , the dazzling play of words and tones , fragments , sequences , movements this way and that — calls constantly to the eye and ear of the reader .
22 Lowe ball-nuts have been around for a while and they are one of the best devices of this sort that I have used so far .
23 This is a point that I have made often in the House and on which I think that I have the support of the Adam Smith Institute which I hope will also be supported by many Conservative Members .
24 British Rail is conducting an internal inquiry , but the inquiry that I have announced today , which is to be held by the Health and Safety Executive , will be a public inquiry under the Regulation of Railways Act 1871 .
25 I said , ‘ Just for your information , Harvey , no Englishman that I have met ever said ‘ pip pip ’ . ’
26 I keep a record of the book number that you are given , that 's another record that I 've written down here , and then I keep , within that record , I keep details of your marks all the way across , what I gave you for your erm attainment and effort grades progress checks , your exam marks and so on .
27 But what I 'd like to do before we progress much farther , is just to , just to think , maybe about some of the things that I 've said there , some of the things that we 've already spoken about .
28 It 's , it 's the things that I 've written down quickly .
29 Yes , I mean several points that you 've raised , and these are things that I 've picked up from the newspapers and I 'll make the point , I 'm no expert but I as I understand it , the allied erm forces have erm substantially greater number of aircraft in the area than the Iraqi airforce had , so that 's one point .
30 Sorry , I should explain to the committee that I was informed that the secretary who normally does the minutes for the half past one was sick , and had , she 'd been sent home by her doctor at lunch time , so I came back from lunch and had to come straight into committee , and I do apologize if I have missed bits of paper or whatever , I 've gathered up everything I could , but that might well be one of the things that I 've left behind .
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