Example sentences of "[noun] that should be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Most people are in between , and this is the niche that should be filled by insurance . ’
2 A good contract is one which brings benefits to both sides and this is the result that should be aimed at in negotiations ; it should be written , however , as if every point were to be used as evidence at a later date .
3 There 's one further search that should be made on a purchase or mortgage of unregistered land : if the seller or mortgagor is a limited company , which acquired the land before 1 January 1970 , search the Companies Register to ascertain whether any puisne mortgage ( ie a mortgage not protected by the deposit with the lender of the title deeds , such as a second mortgage ) is noted in its register of charges .
4 These seem to me considerations that should be taken with a seriousness at least equal to that for which the case in favour of the study of language has been urged .
5 Whatever view he decides to take , he will in effect be indicating in a clear and unequivocal way the weight that should be attached to the objective of long term landscape protection which is so central to the purposes of National Park designation .
6 Here is a purely personal set of preferences as to the parameters that should be included in the new editorial guidelines .
7 Do n't over illustrate is a rule that should be adhered to though .
8 Fourth , there is a general duty to report on matters arising from the accounts that should be brought to the attention of the council and the public .
9 It all sounds a bit rich to me , and although Belshazzar swallowed it , Handel and his librettist Charles Jennens clearly took the view that it was not one of the moments from the Belshazzar story that should be dwelt upon or scrutinised to any serious degree .
10 The authority made an assessment , but did not consider that the boy 's needs were such that it should determine in a statement the special educational provision that should be made for him .
11 The Court , in upholding the LEA 's right not to determine the special educational provision that should be made for the child , drew an important distinction .
12 They distinguished between a child who has special educational needs , and a child who has special educational needs which are such that the LEA may be of the opinion that they should determine the special educational provision that should be made for him — in the words of Nicholls LJ , ‘ not special needs simpliciter , but special needs that satisfy a further condition ’ .
13 Part of the parents ' case had rested on the following argument : within the school which the child attended a decision had been taken to include her in a remedial class ; thus , the special educational provision that should be made for her had already been determined ; so a statement ( under section 7(1) of the Act ) should follow .
14 if the [ LEA ] does not itself decide the special educational provision that should be made for the child , but leaves that to be decided by the school , with remedial classes and other facilities as may be available in the school , the [ LEA ] is not itself determining the special educational provision for the child within the meaning in section 7(1) ; consequently , the [ LEA ] is not obliged to make and maintain a statement … .
15 The document sets out various skills that should be mastered during the year and also states that time should be set aside for education , including protected time within the working week for private study .
16 For this reason , the Presentation attainment target stops at level 7 ( the level that should be achieved by the average 16 year old ) because there is no way of extending it to level 10 , other than by specifying lists of increasingly irregular and unusual words — which would be absurd .
17 ICL Plc has applied to register a subsidiary in Slovenia , a formality that should be completed in the next few weeks , and despite renewed conflict in Croatia , the company says it is still ‘ business as usual ’ .
18 I do n't know of any conventional beauty products that should be avoided in pregnancy .
19 And , in a sentence that should be inscribed in pokerwork and hung above Hussey 's bed : ‘ The constant stress on the visual which infects television production largely undermines any pretension the medium has to be a vehicle for discussion of serious ideas . ’
20 It is a decision that should be made in the light of medical advice and counselling .
21 In the final analysis you will have to make a decision that should be based on the most objective assessment you can make but relying to a certain extent on your own instinct and intuition .
22 It is an extraordinary paradox that those who ostensibly seek to defend the sovereignty that Britain already enjoys deny the accountability that should be imposed within the Commission .
23 Quite a lot ; but two main areas that should be left to a builder will be all structural work to the roof , such as forming the dormer windows , and alterations to the rafters ; and supplying and fixing the additional staircase , which must be correctly fitted and properly secured .
24 ‘ You may ask about his daily routine when abroad ; he attends matins at church and priestly services either alone or with a small following , and worships so devoutly that he has set an example to all Italians of the honour and reverence that should be paid to bishops and clergy .
25 These schemes are regarded as models that should be extended to those whose disability is congenital or arises out of non-industrial disease or accident , for whom cover , though recently improved , is still only partial .
26 Software for most econometric analyses that should be included in the packages which the Centre is producing is already available from academic sources .
27 If the Home Secretary does not want the Bill to do serious damage to internal discipline in prisons , resulting in matters that should be dealt with by internal disciplinary procedures going to court and taking up the time of the criminal justice system — making it far more difficult for prison governors to run their prisons — he had better look again at that clause and amend it .
28 The question that should be asked at this point is not whether the West should intervene militarily , but what does it want out of such an exploit ?
29 Real ale is a natural product that should be served by the natural methods described above .
30 The second initiative that should be taken by central government is to shape its purchasing policy so that government contracts are increasingly placed in areas of high unemployment .
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