Example sentences of "[noun] that she [verb] in her " in BNC.

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1 He confiscated two apples that she had in her handbag , and warned her about penalties for importing plant and vegetable matter .
2 It was this nightmare image of panic and despair that she kept in her mind 's eye as Simon talked his way confidently through his own philosophy of life .
3 Well , I think George Eliot in particular was discontented with the traditional frames of belief that she encountered in her time .
4 ‘ She does n't get out much ’ , a phrase that Shirley had learned to use of her mother to forestall enquiry , impertinence , sympathy : a middle-aged phrase that she heard in her own voice as parody — indeed , she had noticed that when ‘ the family ’ gathered together all of them spoke in parodies of clichés , and some of them knew quite well that they were doing it .
5 Her ladyship told me that what kept her going throughout the service was a beautiful letter from Prince Charles that she carried in her handbag .
6 In a moment or two , when she 'd recovered , she produced her chillim and the little pouch of tobacco that she kept in her waistband .
7 And yet it was not the face of her customer that she saw in her mind , but the strong lean jaw and the dark unfathomable eyes of a stranger .
8 Axeen rewrote the material that she used in her course ‘ Teaching the use of the library to undergraduates ’ in fourteen units of instruction , each requiring two hours ' use of the terminal .
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