Example sentences of "[noun] that [pers pn] should have a " in BNC.

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1 From the singers ' point of view , there was a condition that they should have a copy of the film for their private use .
2 It 's written into his contract that he should have a cameo appearence in every episode .
3 ‘ We think it is absolutely essential for the development of the service and for public confidence that we should have a sound research base .
4 Is it not a fact that the very serious death threat that has been made against a British citizen — a death threat made by someone who is , in effect , the leader of a foreign country with which we have diplomatic relations is of such importance that we should have a statement at the earliest opportunity ?
5 A recollection of John Davies , the minister for Europe in Heath 's cabinet , indicated the mood , ‘ We were at home in Cheshire , and I said to my wife and children that we should have a nice time , because I deeply believed then that it was the last Christmas of its kind that we would enjoy . ’ ,
6 There is no serious dissent from the general proposition that we should have a system which combines a thorough examination of all individual claims , a clear exposition of the criteria against which they are being assessed , all proper speed and then a clear decision , whether positive or negative , and an effective right of appeal before removal for those whose claims have been rejected .
7 Rice says : ‘ It 's unfair to say to a small black voluntary group with little finance that it should have a certain number of staff ; many are new to developing management committees and constitutions .
8 The position that was presented by myself and my colleagues at the last er er er at the last last er last meeting was to indicate a higher level of fire cover within the Service that Councillor wanted and the Committees supported the view that we should have a higher level subject to further discussions of the fire of the fire .
9 I make no secret of the fact that we should have a public legal system in Britain , funded by central Government through law centres .
10 Well Ken , obviously everybody was abhorred regarding this national scandal of the the Maxwell er pension fraud that er the Committee who were making enquiries obviously were implementing the fact that we should have a report and Goodey was set up and the recommendations that have been laid down as far as Goodey is concerned in order to strengthen the pension scheme so that these frauds can happen again , now have you read the report ?
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