Example sentences of "[noun] that [pers pn] had never [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Harold MacMillan , Prime Minister , might still be saying to the electorate that they had never had it so good — which was true in terms of the change-round from post-war reconstruction , wartime destruction , and the days of depression ; but to someone of Leonard 's background , from Canada , the place was a bore .
2 Callaghan told Joel Barnett that he had never felt so depressed , and the news spread .
3 There was also , she vaguely noted , in one corner a piano , and the windows had shutters of a kind that she had never seen in England .
4 It was one of his few boasts that he had never taken an academic examination in his life .
5 All of a sudden things that you had never discussed with your parents come into the forefront of things .
6 Phoebe continually meant to buy blinds , blinds that would be ingeniously fitted into little runnels either side of the glass slopes , but it was one of those domestic chores that she had never managed to complete .
7 And at the foot of the iron structure was a high steel fender , suggesting from its dull surface that it had never seen emery paper since the day it left the foundry .
8 You leave the theatre with lines ringing in your head that you had never noticed before ’ .
9 Hawarde thus had to pay out quite largely for a service that he had never requested .
10 This went on for some time , but when it was finished , the daughter started crying again , this time tears of remorse , grieving for the mother who had died , and grieving for the relationship that she had never had .
11 Political faction had become far more pervasive because the Reformation raised the temperature of Scottish politics , which now took on a focused European dimension , and because once the strong rule of James V had gone , men without the aura of royalty had to struggle with religious and political problems that they had never experienced before .
12 I was astonished to read Ben Moon saying in the July issue of Climber that I had never climbed an 8c .
13 Rose realized with a shock that she had never seen him handle a book before , and watched him curiously .
14 ‘ This has got to stop , Lindie , ’ he said , using a caressing shortening of her name that he had never used before , and that sounded instantly right on his lips .
15 Opinion polls showed that the charismatic Jackson would have won the contest easily , and thus removed the frequently heard criticism that he had never held elected office , but he stated that he preferred to concentrate his efforts at national level " to change the direction of this country " .
16 DAMON HILL , who has progressed from being a hard-up member of a punk rock band to one of Formula One 's most envied drivers , admitted last night that he had never had it so good .
17 Or could a third party claim that it had never indicated dissent and only now wished to exercise the right ?
18 His nature had been over-mature and he had been focused so much on his career that he had never had a great deal of time for his family .
19 And with your remarkable gifts , you may be drawn into situations that you had never dreamed possible .
20 He counted the seconds , one , two , three , four , and then it hit the tent with a fury that he had never known , he inside in his sleeping bag with his feet braced against the dome pole facing the onslaught .
21 It was a side of Ratagan that he had never guessed at .
22 All the reading she had done had given her a view of life that they had never seen .
23 He realized with a vicious clarity that he had never considered the possibility of discovery .
24 Count Tolstoy 's co-defendant , Nigel Watts had said at an earlier hearing that he had never intended to push the whole debt on to the historian .
25 Herbert 's work involved travelling to various parts of Africa , Europe and the Middle East , and although theoretically based in Johannesburg , he told an interviewer that he had never spent more than six weeks continuously in his office there .
26 But then the sound of the church bells had lifted him , flooded him with a glorious , fierce determination , and his aching legs had flown along , pumped by some extra force , some last strength that he had never tapped before .
27 Other teeth moved freely in a way that they had never moved before .
28 She moved nearer , heedless of Raynor 's warning hand on her arm , not exactly pushing him from her , but summoning , without realising , the authority and the remoteness that had come down to her ; certainly assuming the unconscious imperiousness that she had never known shone from her , and that was shining from her now in the dim , moonlit cell .
29 El Empecinado 's boast that he had never lost a man in action represented sound partisan thinking .
30 American Ed Webster , one of the Buxton speakers , said a few days after visiting the Roaches that he had never seen so many climbers at a cliff .
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