Example sentences of "[noun] that [prep] this [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But what is of greater Baldwin significance is the clear indication that at this stage he had developed little of the pervading antipathy to wards Lloyd George which was to be the making of his own career .
2 However , the facts of this case do illustrate the injustice which could arise if Miss Marshall is correct in the admirable submissions which she has advanced on behalf of the landlord , to the effect that in this case he was entitled to resort to self-help .
3 But he is soon forced to the conclusion that in this case it is impossible to keep the aesthetic side entirely apart from the biographical .
4 The Armstrongs were a lawless lot , paying little more allegiance to Scotland than they did to England , for they straddled the borderline ; so they were not to be trusted , but Johnstone and Jardine assured the Regent that on this occasion they would not cause trouble , for although they would care nothing about Balliol one way or the other , they hated Dacre , who as English Middle March Warden had recently hanged some of their people .
5 If there were not this evidence that at this point he is only hazily in command of what he is doing , we might ask — though to no purpose , I think — whether Eleanor 's fiddling of her uncle into the see of Canterbury is presented to us for our approval , or the reverse .
6 Their manager , John King , said his players were so high on publicity that before this match he had to pull them down from the ceiling .
7 An excellent overview of organisational communication research written specifically with reference to the external organisational environment appears in a valuable compendium Handbook of organizational communication — a volume that in this context I am not ashamed to admit that I came across just by chance in a bookshop whilst looking for something completely different !
8 It is for this reason that in this book I ordinarily use kinship in its wider sense .
9 There can be little doubt that in this regard he is correct .
10 The schedules proved to be acceptable , Their major drawback was length , perhaps inseparable from comprehensiveness , and the fact that in this exercise they were not integrated with normal agency practice and statutory six-monthly reviews .
11 But the fact that in this year he attended a party dressed as Dr Crippen suggests that there was a large element of conscious display and theatrical bravura in his creation of a character such as Harry .
12 Is it not also a fact that in this case it is clear that , if the Court of Appeal believes that he had no intention of flouting a court order and of putting himself above the law , that should be good enough for the rest of us ?
13 Ironically , the most successful and varied stage of Hardy 's architectural career came under Crickmay between 1869 and 1872 , despite the fact that by this time he was working on a freelance basis while writing his first novels .
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