Example sentences of "[noun] that [pos pn] [noun sg] [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 Significantly , after the mention that his faith had been counted by God as righteousness , Abraham 's first recorded words were ‘ O Lord God , how can I be sure ? ’
2 He sat on a huge leather chair with a sigh of relief and it was clear to Hari that his leg had been giving him trouble .
3 It was n't the woman 's fault that her lamp had been broken .
4 Meanwhile their investigation had received help from Roxie Farmer 's reluctant admission that her brother had been staying with her , and that he had gone off one day , borrowing her former husband 's bike , and had come back with blood on him .
5 He remained consistently unrepentant , explaining to the investigating committee that his intent had been to produce ‘ a sufficient moral effect from a military point of view , not only on those who were present , but more specially throughout the Punjab ’ .
6 His son Themba , who is studying at Liverpool University , said yesterday on the telephone that his family had been reliably informed that he and Mr Sisulu would be out this month .
7 Another time he had seen a tourist , a non-English speaker , make the discovery that his wallet had been taken , with his passport and everything he had .
8 Hank was so used to being deserted by his mother that he did not think it odd that she should go out on the first evening in ten weeks that his father had been able to spend at home .
9 She would go back to Sea House and tell Stephen that his father had been on a train at the time of his mother 's death .
10 In our elation there was some suspicion that our experience had been secret , adventurous , and unique .
11 Once she had tried to describe these feelings to Brian , but , while he had been prepared to admit that her mother was virtually certifiable , he had given it as his opinion that her father had been a remarkable man and a fine artist and richly entitled to his eccentricities : indeed , it had been incumbent on him , Brian had implied , to flout the conventions .
12 I came to the conclusion that my hunch had been right , but that the ditches must have been dug in mid-Victorian times and the earth piled on the track , putting all the older items out of detecting range .
13 Her letter was marked private and confidential , but instead of a reply from his office , she received notification from the Social Work Services Group that her letter had been passed to the chairman of both Orkney Children 's Panel and the local Panel Advisory Committee .
14 We carried on a rather halting conversation and it came to me with a bump that my mind had been forced on to different tracks since I had left her .
15 He told officers that his friend had been looking for Carol in Bristol on the Friday before she died .
16 I answered in Italian that my father had been an officer in the Austrian army and that he spoke good German .
17 Millwall 's chagrin was heightened by the knowledge that their redoubt had been stormed by a full-back , Bowen 's 60th minute winner being a cold blooded execution from Robert Fleck 's spear of a short through-ball .
18 How could a loving son bask in the radiance of divine joy , indifferent to the knowledge that his mother had been cast out ?
19 But he gave a rare interview yesterday , stressing his belief that his report had been grossly misrepresented and that numbers infected heterosexually were ‘ substantial ’ and growing .
20 It was an act of pure convenience to tell Peter 's father that his son had been treated insensitively and perhaps unjustly .
21 In December 1989 , we received word from the European Commission that our application had been successful and we were the first tenants group to be awarded £400,000 provided we secured the moral and financial support from our landlord — Glasgow District Council .
22 David Pipe , the Jockey Club 's Director of Public Affairs , would not comment on suggestions that Her Honour had been administered a fast-acting tranquiliser .
23 The Führer 's claim that his work had been sabotaged for years , and that the German war machine could run at full stretch now that the last plot had been foiled , was seen to demonstrate that the people had long been lied to in earlier statements that time was on Germany 's side and war production increasing .
24 Price was then called to give evidence in person on behalf of the applicant , and he again repudiated his evidence before the Swedish court in so far as it implicated the applicant , on the ground that his evidence had been obtained by pressure exerted upon him by officers of the Swedish and Norwegian police .
25 He told the paper that his life had been a torment after his arrest and explained that a simple error had led to his misfortune .
26 ‘ Something like that , ’ Now was not the time to suggest to this woman that her husband had been a blackmailer as well as a thief .
27 No-one ever told Artemis Deverill that her mother had been killed out hunting that fine October morning , knocked from her horse by the young Stanhope-Murray boy as he tried to thrust his way past her , jumping a hedge and instantly breaking her neck .
28 Mr Redmond had been looking after the woodyard where he worked while his employer was on a cruise to restore his health , and Sarah told Anne that her father had been given fifty pounds as a mark of appreciation when his employer returned .
29 Collor reportedly ordered Eduardo Texeira , appointed as the new head of the state-owned company Brazilian Petroleum Corporation ( PETROBRAS ) , to investigate allegations by his predecessor Luis Otávio da Motta Veiga that his dismissal had been corrupt .
30 The relief which followed the realisation that my conduct had been ‘ only a dream ’ was always tinged , however slightly , with regret .
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