Example sentences of "[noun] that [modal v] [verb] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Good afternoon , Celtic say that Lou Macari is expected in Scotland tomorrow to finalise the deal that will confirm him as their new manager .
2 The 38-year-old player-manager has accepted a deal that will keep him at Hillsborough for the next three-and-a-half years .
3 She felt that her heart would burst with the ache of love , and searched in her mind for words that would bind him to her and bring him back .
4 And while Clough misses out again , it is understood that Blanc has a contract that will take him to French drama club Marseille in the summer .
5 Prom there he was to work up his cover as a rubber man and make the contacts that would get him into Germany .
6 He enters me as fortress , I can only thank him from my battlements ; I am the pearl the knight must capture to win heaven and the drug that will detain him from his quest .
7 ‘ If only they had n't scrapped the old grammar school , ’ muttered Dr Frome , and Pumfrey saw that he was beginning to erect in his mind a structure of excuses and evasions that would justify him to himself .
8 And so , resentfully , he learned concepts that could stand him in good stead .
9 More , he lived in hope that one such mirror would find something behind his looks only another pair of eyes could see : some undiscovered self that would free him from being Gentle .
10 And he has laid himself wide open to the kind of criticism that will cloak him in a dark shroud of misery .
11 And also : According to local rag , Wilko has denied he will be signing a contract next week that will keep him at the club until 1999 .
12 I was not a man fighting to live but I was a boxer on the ropes , praying for a miracle that would save him from almost certain defeat .
13 The children 's objective is to make sure that Samson survives , builds up experience and gathers items that will help him in his quest , and eventually enable him to complete his mission .
14 Christian attorney Constance Cumbey goes a step further in The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow when she writes of the ‘ coming age of barbarism ’ , and describes the New Agers as a ‘ viable movement that truly meets the scriptural requirements for the Antichrist and the political movement that will bring him on the world scene ’ .
15 Mansell 's first taste of Indy action will be in California in December when he tests the monster motor that will hurtle him to the threshold of survival in the most hair-raising episode of his race career .
16 Were we to suppose that life was purposive , that everything was part of a planned progression due to culminate in the appearance of man or some other creature that might rival him in dominating the world , then the echinoderms could be dismissed as of no consequence .
17 He never saw the rope that would hang him for the noose was concealed in the hem of the white hood that the hangman drew over his head with the usual gentle suggestion that AIbert Pierrepoint reserved for these occasions .
18 Isabel had scarcely felt the fiery rush of blood to her cheeks , the quick involuntary swelling of her flesh , before fitzAlan wrenched his hand away , transferring the reins from the other as if that was the only thing that would prevent him from touching her again .
19 He said it was the only thing that would get him through it . ’
20 Colin inspected the room looking for the clues , looking for the vital piece of information that would lead him to the same conclusion as Smith .
21 He had other information in his mind and on his lap , information that would guide him to Dungavel House .
22 Fifteen minutes later McKillop was in the street waiting for a bus that would take him to Westminster where he could get a connection down to Kennington .
23 President Yeltsin was also facing trouble from Russia 's supreme legislature , which was reported to be tabling a motion that would strip him of his emergency powers .
24 But despite that , Gloucestershire County Council still ca n't find another school that will accept him as a full time student .
25 Meanwhile , Wallaby skipper Michael Lynagh will set out on a remarkable 24,000 mile round trip that will take him to Brisbane for an operation and back to Wales for the final fortnight of the Australian tour .
26 Every half-minute or so , he peered over at the Loran navigation indicator — as if looking at it would make the numbers showing their position change more rapidly — then glanced up at the sky as if there was something to be divined in the matted darkness that could warn him of approaching doom .
27 His apprehensions are fuelled by a crop of injuries that may deprive him of Paul McGrath ( hamstring ) , Kevin Moran ( bruised back ) and Steve Staunton ( ankle ) .
28 I 've told my son that I am going to get him a forged passport that will get him into the opposition penalty area .
29 Crosby reassured Byrne yesterday after the Republic of Ireland marksman was forced to pull out of the international squad with a calf injury that will sideline him for a fortnight .
30 ‘ I thought it was the sort of injury that could prevent him from fighting again .
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