Example sentences of "[noun] that [modal v] [be] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , it includes most aspects of the study of principles of language usage , for there seems to be a general principle of the following kind : for each systematic set of constraints on the use of language , there will be a corresponding set of inference-procedures that will be applied to language understanding ( see Levinson , 1979a ) .
2 Most important , the formal statistical reasoning that can be applied to a-priori hypotheses is strictly invalid for exploratory analysis .
3 It is conformally flat everywhere except at the boundaries of the interaction region where there are impulsive gravitational waves that may be considered to be generated by the collision .
4 Fortunately there are a number of useful guidelines that can be applied to both the systems on offer and the facilities you need .
5 NME news editor Chris Hutchin interviewed Elvis ' manager and found that Colonel Tom Parker had yet to see any of his charge 's films : ‘ I went to see Kid Galahad but the theatre was full an ’ I did n't see the point of taking a seat that could be sold to a paying customer . ’
6 The Americans would have thousands of surplus transport aircraft that could be turned to civil use , and a well-developed transport aircraft industry ; the British , on the other hand , would have virtually none .
7 Whatever view he decides to take , he will in effect be indicating in a clear and unequivocal way the weight that should be attached to the objective of long term landscape protection which is so central to the purposes of National Park designation .
8 Defence Review in 1974/5 , civilian manpower has gone on falling thanks to efforts of successive Permanent Under-Secretaries to reduce overheads and to increase the percentage of the Defence vote that can be devoted to weapon procurement .
9 Do n't over illustrate is a rule that should be adhered to though .
10 At any one time , though , there are a number of relationships that may be said to be in a constitutional haze .
11 This is an area where the concepts of sampling theory , mentioned at the start of this chapter , can again prove useful : sampling schemes can balance these two objectives by determining the minimum labour that must be invested to be satisfied that the correct conclusions have been reached .
12 And Skillbase markets their skills to other organisations as well , calling it ‘ executive leasing ’ ( or for highest positions ‘ interim management ’ — perhaps a term that could be applied to Sir Len Peach 's stint at the NHS ) .
13 Now , at Pac Bo , under Ho 's chairmanship , the Party cleared its ideological decks and prepared to take advantage of the even more extraordinary opportunities that would be presented to it by the Second World War .
14 I have drawn attention to the immense quantity , the rich variety , the problems posed by its retention , the difficulties with its analysis , and the opportunities that might be offered to future historians by contemporary electronic information resources .
15 ( S. ) 71 , this called for a delicate balancing exercise between the possibility that the offender might commit further crimes in this country and the harm that might be done to innocent people if he were deported .
16 The Regional Council refused planning permission for the development in November of last year , and among the reasons for refusal was the lack of justification for the commercial development , and the harm that would be caused to this particular part of the Green Belt .
17 So , please think carefully before you take an axe to any ivy and consider the harm that may be done to countless woodland birds and insects .
18 Worthy servants of the brewers are being turned out of their livelihoods and homes by these draconian rents , set in the main by estate agents who have no concept of the harm that will be done to these people .
19 I suggest that the best aid that could be given to East Timor would be an arms embargo on Indonesia until an independent United Nations inquiry has been held into the slaughter of many defenceless men , women and children by the Indonesian army .
20 The use of investment tax credits , so that firms can offset some of the cost of capital equipment against corporation tax liability , is one instrument that could be assigned to this target .
21 Possibly the greatest compliment that could be paid to the PFF — and that accidentally — was near the end of the war when the Command was strong enough for each Group to mount an attack on a single target , but generally supported by the full paraphernalia of hard-won pathfinding techniques .
22 There are other accessories you can use to increase the impact of the picture , including cords , tassels and ribbons that could be added to pictures when they are hung on the wall .
23 Fourth , there is a general duty to report on matters arising from the accounts that should be brought to the attention of the council and the public .
24 There is no simple pattern or model of social change that can be applied to all villages , and there is no single continuum on which all rural communities can be placed ( see chapter 1 above ) .
25 The user also needs to know the operations that can be applied to the relations so as to carry out the desired retrievals .
26 And we are encouraging managers to be sympathetic to the sudden disruption of working hours that can be caused to a parent of either sex responsible for children .
27 The next part aims to place this within an organised framework that can be delivered to families .
28 There is a range of possible meanings that might be attached to these rather ambiguous words ; but , if no mortal man could be the doorway into the Lord 's sheepfold , it would scarcely matter from whom the bishop received the emblems of his office : the reality could come only from Christ .
29 There is an overload of sounds , of images , of words to the point at which a number of these cultural goods can not be found meanings that can be attached to them ( Ratcliff 1985 ) .
30 Note 1 : The ‘ number of channels ’ specifies the number of analogue inputs that may be connected to the ADC chip .
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