Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] be [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is good potential for straw as a fuel source , so long as we continue the important research and development programme that we are currently commissioning .
2 It should be borne in mind that there are always problems of definition and of classification in compiling figures such as these and also that all the figures for currencies other than the US dollar have had to be converted to dollars and hence depend upon the exchange rate used .
3 Some of the most common stumbling blocks are physical , but bear in mind that there are usually solutions .
4 Ian Lang , the Scottish Secretary , said on Friday that it was now time to change ‘ the tone and mood of Scottish politics ’ and added : ‘ I have always accepted that a referendum could be an appropriate mechanism for sounding out opinion , particularly on constitutional issues . ’
5 are shorter than everybody else 's and , but this one had a , a cape on with a gold braid which meant he was a big high up one , and he was just absolutely paranoid , I mean they reckon that the Matawa are such fanatics that they are just Greeks , you know they just , you know these ones that just
6 It was Grétry who testified from personal experience that it was both distance and the dancers that caused the main problems :
7 I very much hope that the work that we are already doing will lead to initiatives being taken by those countries as a result of the guidance that we have given at local government , as well as national , level .
8 ‘ Quite a few employers are biased against ex-service people because they have misconceptions that they are either robots who only take orders , or that they will run around handing orders out .
9 It was also a reminder that it was nearly time to seek out his last visual co-ordinate and prepare to take over manual control of the aircraft once again .
10 I think we have to be a little bit careful about this because , of course , erm the feeling is not that once they 've been in the job for a little while that they are still amateurs , it 's merely that we do n't require them to know a great deal about what they 're going to do before they start .
11 She had managed to squeeze herself into such a small space in the saddle that there was practically room left for two men .
12 The pollarded trees you see in old woodland and hedgerow are clear evidence that they were once part of boundaries formed to enclose stock as well , maybe , as parish boundaries .
13 Zeebrugge demonstrated that was not the case and there is evidence that there 's still room for improvement .
14 But things like the ‘ C86 ’ movement , however minor they might appear now , were evidence that there were still things happening in rock music , and usually outside London .
15 So take the plunge now , those of you on the sidelines ; think about a serious attack on the situation , in the knowledge that there are still improvements to make .
16 The message that again and again comes through the pages of history , is that humanity must arrange its political affairs in such a manner that there is always room for a religious life in some form for those who want it .
17 Their subsequent career has met with approval from punters and critics , yet there 's that lingering feeling that they 're just chips off the Master 's block .
18 Sir Robert Carey , Warden of the English Middle March , had been in London visiting the queen , but had prudently arranged for relays of horses to be ready for him between the capital and Edinburgh , so that he could ingratiate himself with the King of Scots by being the first to arrive with the news that he was now King of England also .
19 Soviet chemical weapon stocks still exist in Romania and West German intelligence sources have suggested in the past that there are also production and testing facilities .
20 There may be demands in the sense that there are always obstacles to be overcome but these stem from the nature and the variability of the situation he is in ; that is , the materials he has to deal with or the environment he has to move through .
21 The Edinburgh library staff would like to remind users that there are still books on loan under the old manual system .
22 ‘ I was at the Coliseum and when the bell rang at the end of the interval I noticed to my amazement that there were still women queuing outside the loo .
23 Then she glanced at her watch and saw to her amazement that it was already midnight .
24 A fifth word to describe this witness of the Spirit with our spirit that we are indeed sons of God ( Rom. 8:16 ) is ‘ assurance ’ .
25 The jibes that she is simply Rick Astley speeded up and has no voice of her own hurt , she says .
26 The point has therefore now been made with three examples that it is usually carbonate facies that are so remarkably persistent in a lateral sense .
27 The BAeSema Ltd joint venture of British Aerospace Plc and Sema Group Plc won a UK Ministry of Defence contract to equip five frigates with command systems : no price was given but a source told Reuter that it was about £30m .
28 Something like resentment was beginning to swell in Cardiff ; a resentment that he was now doing as he was told by these newcomers — these newcomers who seemed to have more answers than he did for whatever in hell was going on here .
29 He was n't often out of his bed now , and David Beaton had said privately to Bridhe that it was only determination to see the baby born that was keeping the old man alive .
30 And it is with the statistical evaluation of leys that there is most controversy and where much work still needs doing .
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