Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] [is] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A hostess in tight teeshirt and jeans lingers only long enough to assure Kate discreetly with her eyes that she is not poaching on her territory , smiles velvetly at Jeremy , brings them their drinks .
2 It is never the case that a writer creates a hypocrite without giving us some clue , however subtle , to his dissimulation ; and it is seldom the case that he is not exposed within the bounds of the artwork .
3 It drapes beautifully and is consequently most suitable for curtains , with the added advantage that it is not affected by sunlight .
4 This does , however , prove so difficult in most cases that it is not recommended .
5 The latter may not realise in a coherent way what is afoot , but it knows that the duty of a government is to provide law and order and senses that it is not deploying its resources to do so .
6 I think at the outset I need to erm clarify Hambledon 's position , erm Hambledon 's position is that it objects erm to the new settlement on the basis that it 's not needed and can not be justified , and I would n't wish erm for the er Council 's position to be interpreted as anything less than that .
7 We have a clear resolution that it objects to the new settlement on the basis that it is not needed and can not be justified .
8 It must be stated at this point that it is not intended here to suggest that there is a conspiracy on the part of doctors to deprive patients of their rights , or that doctors act out of ill will .
9 The most famous example is the Rainbow Lobby , which reminds donors in unreadably small footnotes to its fliers that it is not affiliated with Jesse Jackson 's Rainbow Coalition .
10 Apart from anything else , that 'll ensure the court that he is not tempted to be involved in any similar incident in the future with is girlfriend .
11 He must try to convince delegates that he is not to blame for Britain 's economic mess if he wants to keep his job .
12 They simply share the belief that it is not going to be possible to explain behaviour adequately if mental processes are identified with the contents of conscious awareness .
13 Thus , the clear [ l ] in initial pre-vocalic position is a broad regional marker , and we conclude from this relative invariance that it is not undergoing change .
14 ‘ All the same , it is a relief that he is not doing anything further that could upset the delicate balance at this stage . ’
15 The Cartesian answer would be that they all stand for various kinds of mental activity , a distinguishing mark of the mental being that it is not extended in space like the other substance of Descartes 's dualism , matter .
16 So far , we have mentioned two possible answers , those of Descartes and Brentano : Descartes 's , in terms of mental activity , a distinguishing mark of the mental being that it is not extended in space ; Brentano 's , in terms of a concept that needs further elucidation , the concept of intentionality .
17 The suggestion that he is not supporting her while she is receiving benefit can not therefore be taken as positive evidence that their relationship is not comparable to that of husband and wife .
18 ‘ Well , we 'll get the cars to keep an eye out for her , but I have an awful feeling in my gut that she is not coming home .
19 Of course exactly that case never occurs , or if it does it occurs in such a way that it is not recognized as being a repeat run of the previous bitter experience .
20 Now the Home Office has said , the Home Secretary rather , has said this year that he 's not granting any more policemen this year , but he also said that if county councils wished to fund more policemen , he would certainly look at that .
21 It 's a bit of stinker that she 's not coming .
22 She suspects that she may get rather more exposure to outpatient clinics and theatre sessions than her medical colleagues because they get bogged down on the wards with tasks that she is not allowed to do .
23 Every time he buys me something I think it is proof that he 's not going to kill me or do anything else unpleasant .
24 ‘ And if you explain to Thomas that he 's not to touch things like that , but must come and tell you when he finds one , then he 'll avoid any danger in future . ’
25 In the past , fresh fish used as bait has been standard-rated , on the grounds that it is not intended for human consumption .
26 If the settlor retains an interest in any income arising under the settlement or in any of the property comprised in the settlement , any income which arises from the settled property , to the extent that it is not distributed , will be treated as the income of the settlor ( TA 1988 , s673 ) .
27 ‘ If you come out and tell a person to his face that he 's not selected and why , ’ I said , ‘ well , it might hurt but at least you know . ’
28 The only people they do n't want to upset are the people at the garage the fact that somebody is n't doing their job properly somebody 's sitting on a form somewhere
29 The clearest reflection of the way in which the full implications of Marsh 's book were not appreciated in physical geography is shown in the fact that he is not referred to in relation to the history of the study of landforms before Davis ( Chorley , Dunn and Beckinsale , 1964 ) , or in Explanation in Geography ( Harvey , 1969 ) , in Geography Its History and Concepts ( Holt-Jensen , 1981 ) or in Geography and Geographers : Anglo-American Human Geography ( Johnston , 1979 , 1983a ) .
30 It is a sick government that is proud of the fact that it 's not signed up for a Social Chapter .
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