Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of passing on this information , the defendant persuaded the other employee to leave and join his own business ; the discontented client in the meantime had agreed with the defendant that he would use him as his legal adviser in the future .
2 The main light was behind him , but I could still see the shadows on his face ; they were more marked than ever , and I had the foolish illusion that I could remove them by stroking them with the tips of my fingers .
3 It is tempting to get a large capacity sack if you know you 'll have a lot to carry , but bear in mind that it could tempt you to carry too much !
4 There was no doubt in his mind that he 'd find her .
5 The proud fighter who took every challenge , was overcome with fear that they could mock me with their chat , but delighted to be noticed .
6 His apprehension arose not out of a fear that she would ruin him by extravagant expenditure but from a neurotic anxiety that if she knew how much money he had put away , she might feel free to leave him .
7 He wanted to look around for Carter despite his fear that he might see him .
8 Moreover , the stranger disappears , but the husband remains , as does the fear that he will do it again .
9 The Buddha of Suburbia is a jaunty unambitious novel — a far cry , doubtless , from those early works , which Kureishi incinerated ‘ for fear that anybody would read them and know things about me ’ .
10 In the meantime , someone had found that there was some sort of balm that we could rub on his bum before the event , but an echo that I will tell you and I will never ever forget , I can honestly say that having witnessed that ordeal and experienced the aftermath , and having seen the vicious weals on Buster 's backside , I have never ever stolen a thing of any value since .
11 She may feel more in control if she takes her bill herself to the Department of Social Security , having been guided by the adviser that she should ask them about the ‘ fuel direct ’ scheme that will debit her benefits automatically and prevent disconnection .
12 I think he was rather taken aback because my understanding is that he told David that he could get him out of the contract .
13 I took that as an indication that I could play him every match .
14 Norbrook offers such a spirited apologia for his methodology that you will forgive him most things .
15 If you come up with that sort of material , then the American and English newspapers will publish an interview that I 'll give them ’ .
16 Yes , of course , she recalled , he 'd mentioned in Bruges that he would look her up when he was in the area .
17 The skin of an otter , in common with that of all mammals , contains a substance known as L-serine , and fish are so acutely sensitive to this chemical that they can sense it diluted one thousand million times .
18 So rare is her talent that you might think she was irreplaceable to the TV game .
19 I had wagered a purse that I would beat him at bowls and Drake never could resist gold .
20 The Doctor waved to the poet that they should follow him .
21 A very dense cloud of daphnia will soon dispose of the disease and , what 's more , the fish get so sick of eating the daphnia that they will leave it alone and take flake .
22 My own personal rule for very many years has been that anybody is free to criticize me , to criticize the company , to question or argue against anything that we are trying to do — provided they will satisfy the one criterion that they will tell us what I or the company should do differently .
23 The heads of these charming horsemen are so like that of the boxer that one might think his was the stele this base supported .
24 There is still a cult following for the Leger and the Normale , and though I sympathise with it , it 's among the D-series fanatics that you 'll find me swapping gasps .
25 Mark : Judas decided to betray Jesus and told the chief priest that he would lead them to Jesus in order that they could arrest him in secret .
26 But how would he break the news to Georgina that he 'd let her down after all these years ?
27 It was a bonus that he could do it by way of Eloise Brückner 's bed .
28 Then , when King John took over the French lands which he had inherited in 1200 , he was allowed to do so only on condition that he should recognise them as being fiefs held of the king of France .
29 Since I was imprisoned because of you , it is only common human benevolence that you should help me now .
30 The court can remit the case back to the sheriff with a direction that he should remit it to the licensing board to reconsider their decision ( R. W. Cairns Ltd. v. Busby East Church Kirk Session , cit. ) or remit the case to the sheriff to proceed as accords ( Collins v. Hamilton District Licensing Board , 1984 S.L.T. 230 ) .
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