Example sentences of "[noun] that [noun] [vb mod] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 He startled Philip with him , so impressed Emlyn Williams with a recitation on a London street in a blackout that Williams could recall it precisely forty years later , and introduced anybody he thought would appreciate it to the dark-vowelled , consonant-cracking language of the man whose most famous work would be Under Milk Wood , whose first performance — on radio and stage — would star Richard Burton .
2 But I stick to my pre-season prediction that Arsenal will have it tucked away well before the last ball is kicked .
3 A similar switch-over type of story can be written by doing what I have counselled writers of full-length detective stories not to do : by slipping in a tiny clue in the hope that readers will miss it .
4 However , the recent study by PA Management Consultants Ltd found that in themselves the analyses of the cases examined had not produced hard evidence to support the hypothesis that co-operatives would find it very difficult to compete in capital-intensive production :
5 Well you can forget the astonishment that cats can do it all , it is extraordinary that cats can do that at all .
6 I can not see any way that South Africa can win this international , but three distinct ways that England can lose it : IRISH referee Stephen Hilditch proved in Paris last year that he fears nobody , favours no nation .
7 Perhaps too many all-embracing laws are drafted in such a slipshod manner that police may think it gives them authority to frame any charge and judges are given the power to determine the law according to their own opinions .
8 Is n't the danger with using an expensive sound the probability that people will take it straight , as un-ironic luxury ?
9 It is a reasonable assumption that people will find it easier to accept a product if it appears in a context into which they could fit themselves , being used by people whom they could — or would like to — resemble .
10 There is also the danger with sending a letter that people may misread it — or just look at it and not read it properly .
11 According to a recent report from the market research company Mintel , customer perceptions of quality in products and service have more to do with their expectation that companies should get it right first time than with the belief that they should provide a safety net to protect consumers once things have gone wrong .
12 Simon , a manager who , at 39 , is the oldest person questioned , says : ‘ The idea that people will think it is in some way impressive to be seen drinking low-alcohol muck is obvious nonsense . ’
13 Everyone else had gone to Japan and I was still in New York trying desperately to get a visa for Russia but I could n't get one , so I convince Tony deFries that if I went to Japan and went to the Russian Embassy in Tokyo , they 'd be so confused by an American applying for a visa in Tokyo 's Embassy that i could fake it and get one , and he said I was welcome to try .
14 Next year 's meeting is to be held in June 1992 in Glasgow , where environmental lobbying is expected to be at such a pitch that delegations may find it politically impossible to approve any renewal of large-scale hunting .
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