Example sentences of "[noun] for the [adj] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The prismed bomb aimer 's station provided excellent visibility for the pin-point accuracy required .
2 All this is very necessary preparation for the major exercises planned for later in the year when they will join with other battalions , Regular and TA , to practise their wartime role .
3 If military training can incorporate an element of preparation for the emotional experience associated with active service abroad which prevents even a small number of psychiatric casualties , it may well also help to maintain the morale of others and be cost-effective in these terms .
4 The same holds true when it comes to a consideration of the reasons for the individual grants made by the Romans .
5 Although Midland Software has always had an absence monitoring module , Mr Shepherd identifies two reasons for the new approach reflected in Delphi Absence .
6 True to this tradition , the DES/Welsh Office National Curriculum consultation document of July 1987 stated that while , to be effective , a national framework for the secular curriculum required the backing of the law , ‘ legislation alone will not raise standards ’ .
7 Mary 's reign witnessed a spontaneous renewal of enthusiasm for the local celebrations banned under Edward , and Corpus Christi processions , Whitsun ales , May games , and the decking of churches once more became as common as they had been in the last years of Henry 's reign .
8 Equation ( 2.2 ) provides considerable support for the empirical specification developed in Section 3 .
9 Her election by the Left Alliance 's executive committee was aimed at reversing the decline in electoral support for the 10-party alliance evidenced in the general election of April 1990 [ see p. 37388 ] .
10 As his broadcasts became increasingly political in content , his earlier support for the New Deal changed to hostility .
11 This grant from the Macro-Economic Modelling Consortium provides continuing support for the macroeconomic research undertaken at London Business School 's Centre for Economic Forecasting .
12 This finding provides some support for the logarithmic approximation made in ( 3 ) where higher order terms in a number of variables were dropped from the original specification .
13 The Government 's response in the White Paper on Reform of the Law on Consumer Credit ( 1972 ) Cmnd 5427 , para 14 stated : The Government accept that there are aspects of the existing law in this field which cause difficulty , but they do not have sufficient evidence either of a need for such major recasting of existing law on new principles or of general support for the particular solution proposed by the Committee .
14 Jacobitism became an ideology of opposition , and Jacobites tended to unite around negatives ; there was much less support for the positive alternative represented by either James II or his son , the Old Pretender .
15 On this question of proven worth , what criteria did you adopt in choosing the five artists for the historical section housed in the tower of the Fridericianum ?
16 This position of service is also offered as the primary justifica-tion for the special privileges enjoyed by the profession .
17 The central committee of Likud , the main party of the right-wing ruling coalition , convened on March 1-2 to elect a ranked list of 50 candidates for the general election scheduled for June 23 .
18 During November the three largest parties announced their candidates for the presidential elections scheduled for April 26 , 1992 , to elect a successor to Kurt Waldheim , who had in June 1991 declined to stand for a second term [ see p. 38298 ] .
19 The seminar also provided an opportunity to discuss the guidelines for the additional assessment outlined in the SCOTVEC document , Implementing general SVQs : the additional assessment .
20 The agreed guidelines for the new government pledged " to further the cause of peace in accordance with the Camp David Accords and the May 1989 [ Shamir ] peace initiative [ see p. 36670 ] " .
21 You will find the programme for the coming season attached and I hope you will agree that once more we have planned varied and stimulating sessions for you .
22 The lawyer for the Joint Committee responded by agreeing in full to the original Cuban demand .
23 The catalogue includes an essay by Storr and entries for the exhibited pictures prepared by Catherine Kinley of the Tate Gallery and MoMA 's Lynn Zelevansky based upon interviews with the artist .
24 ‘ I write to express my own and other residents thanks for the fine work carried out by Mr Martin James [ Pest Control London North ] .
25 My object in this chapter has been to provide a transition between ( i ) the analysis of economic class relations , in the sense of possession of and separation from the means of production , and the strategic opportunities for the socialist project connected with the current forms of these relations , and ( ii ) the politics of taking up these opportunities in modern Britain .
26 Until the moment that the consignee claims the goods after their arrival at destination , the consignor retains the right to change the consignee 's name , provided that if the name is changed the consignor gives the carrier reasonable written notice thereby undertaking to indemnify the carrier for the additional expenses created by the change .
27 Complete the application for an official search using a carbon for the duplicate copy comprised in the one form .
28 A spokesperson for the German Greens resigned on Feb. 21 .
29 SINN Fein was today preparing to send a ten-strong squad to Belfast City Hall as the battle for the nationalist vote moved into its final stage .
30 Now I know that the ma vast majority of everyone here is involved in fund raising for the vital work done by S C F. That too challenges government to respond , I believe that our record is a good one .
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