Example sentences of "[noun] they [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With their eyes erect and fear in their speed they run for the safety of the waves .
2 Women have difficulty organizing because of the isolation they experience in the home , combined with their socialization into passivity .
3 The hall just could n't cope and after six songs they retreated to the dressing room .
4 Not all their reactions by any means are negative ; you can capitalize ( in your efforts to foster understanding and friendship ) on any steps they make in the direction of greater independence and on any interest ( or overtures of affection ) shown towards the infant sibling .
5 This system is used to reduce wages , increase company profits and totally undermine training and health and safety procedures for crews and provide hazards for all the countries around whose coast they sail with the death and environmental problems that follow from accidents such as occurred in the past week .
6 When ingested by animals they accumulate in the blood and tissues unchanged or after minor oxidative alterations and in some cases they form the prosthetic group of a chromoprotein .
7 That Mrs Aggie no longer went ragging in The Courts , but , instead , encouraged the children to bring what rags they had to the yard , there to receive their candy rock , and also the women to come on a Sunday morning to the barn and buy what they wanted , she knew was very wise .
8 What 's more , a large number of husbands and boyfriends will be heavily influenced in the car they choose by the woman in their life .
9 In the aft compartment they went through the routine exercise of listening to the remaining six missiles and found what they had expected , nothing .
10 The principal interest of these court appearances is in the confirmation they give to the portrait of the National Socialist League in the last months of peace .
11 Oxford against cambridge they take to the River at two
12 After he had made a pot of tea they sat near the range and surveyed each other .
13 Rob Phone , Mr and Mrs National Holidays , and the journalist they met on the train have all gone their separate ways now , but perhaps a little enriched , a little relaxed , by a modicum of light , meaningless conversation .
14 sector , a different sector , we 're only relying on it by analogy they talk about the position of requiring the applicant by guarantee such as the deposit of money or other security , and my Lord our submission is , is very simple , er that , er the , the measure that are seeking to recover under are linked into solvency and the payment of policy holders , there 's a community interest there in the directive , but if , er for any reason your Lordship feels there 's a , a matter that needs to go on and further to , to , to a lengthy trial , that in the interim what would be compatible with the community object would be to ensure that the monies are recovered into settlement fund er so that the solvency and payment policy holders can continue
15 Our three pictures marked A , B and C show three well-known TV personalities — A is Jim Bergerac , B is Inspector Morse and C is the Larkin family — and the cars they drive in the TV series that made them famous .
16 The stately measure of the band , who were not particularly loud , was the steady , elegant funk they put into the music ; they did n't need flashness or speed to get across .
17 There was always a hunger for newspapers and magazines ( usually preferred to books ) and he 'd heard of baptizers in Patashoqua who named children by stabbing a copy of the London Times with a pin and bequeathing the first three words they pricked upon the infant , however unmusical the combination .
18 Based on Kodak 's experience , one should expect that 40% to 60% of ideas should be lost during the first two stages , with the idea originators having screened themselves out of the process as a consequence of the feedback they received through the review process .
19 Seats are divided between the parties according to the proportion of the vote they win in the constituency .
20 In effect they confer on the individual a sphere of immunity against interference by the state , other organisations and other individuals .
21 Rumi compared the tears and the effect they have on the soul to drops of rain on the desert .
22 In his discussion Nash includes analyses of various authorial devices and the effect they have on the reader , concerning both the cognitive ( character perception and plot comprehension ) and affective ( development of empathetic feelings ) aspects of reading .
23 If the words had chilled her at first hearing it was more because of the cold light they cast on the woman 's most intimate life than for any reference to her own innocence .
24 Here , they find the light they need in the spring , but as the sun gets hotter the growth of surrounding vegetation gives them some welcome shade .
25 At best , this will help to ensure that black workers remain in those employment sectors they entered in the boom years of the 50 's and 60's .
26 They had failed to change with the times , so the speeches they wrote for the Queen did her no favours .
27 Beyond this , character- ization rarely goes further than the creation of characters sufficient for the roles they play within the fabliau ; there is very rarely the slightest pretence at verisimilitude in the form of feigning that the characters have experiences beyond or after those of the narrative given .
28 ‘ The deal they escaped by the skin of their teeth was SMS , ’ Forster says .
29 The high quality of the Gulf pearls and the fact that the fisheries were controlled by Arabs ensured that from the market at Bandar e Lengeh on the Iranian coast not far west of the Gulf of Hormuz they entered into the trade network of the Indian Ocean and adjacent areas .
30 The report says : ‘ Few pupils have the basic books they require for the GCSE without financial support from home .
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