Example sentences of "[noun] on this [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He was sitting his roan horse on this side of the street but down a ways .
2 He is Roy Livesey , a leading New Age watcher on this side of the Atlantic .
3 There was speculation that Barclays may now look to the US for a chief executive , given the limited availability of suitable candidates on this side of the Atlantic .
4 Western research on this subject over the past 30 years has identified a number of gaps and weaknesses in Soviet official socio-economic data , as well as many statistical series which , it is believed , can be used ( sometimes with adjustments for comparability with Western figures ) .
5 There is much heart-burning on this score in the other parts , accompanied by intensified efforts to improve the quality of English instruction .
6 There may have been a wheel on this site since the 18th Century when the Macclesfield Company put down a shallow shaft — Bonsor West Shaft — at the north-westerly extremity of the old 17th Century open works .
7 Am I right in suspecting that perhaps all is not sweetness and light on this issue among the New Scientist team ?
8 The council claimed planning permission had never been sought or been granted , but in 1984 told SPAG that they were unable to take action on this issue as the statutory period of five years within which action could be taken had passed .
9 Although the operation was deferred until July , Eliot spent a period in hospital on account of an attack of his chest complaint , which may have owed its onset on this occasion to the emotional blow that he had received .
10 The application of Mr. and Mrs. Collins was delayed for 12 months on this score without the Housing Executive giving any idea of the reason for the delay .
11 The school was one of those selected to take part in the county 's TVEI pilot scheme , but neither the art nor music department were involved in work on this project at the time of the research .
12 A door in the opposite wall led to the kitchen , and in the window on this side of the room was a dining table .
13 Others who also cared that some of the few remaining oak trees would be felled , stone walls and hedges destroyed , and that the dippers on this stretch of the river Dee would be driven off by low flying golf balls , ducked the issue and remained silent .
14 It would make the writing of this chapter easier if I could call a halt on this discussion of the relationship between dramatic playing and performance and change the topic .
15 You have doubtless heard from time to time some little of my movements on this side of the globe and if I have not written more fully and frequently to my friends in England I trust this will be attributed to the very pressing engagements which have fully occupied my time and mind .
16 ‘ I did n't know you had your home on this part of the island .
17 It is a sensible and desirable change welcome on this side of the house and I understand , and the minister may correct me if I 'm wrong , but the order relating to local government elections and E C citizens er will be before the house before the end of nineteen ninety four .
18 Correspondence on this issue in the BMJ would be helpful in clarifying whether doctors are giving up medicine altogether because of the lack of opportunity to train and work over shorter hours .
19 The responsible dog ownership group has received correspondence on this matter from the Animal Shelter , which is the agency currently being used by the Government to register pit bull terriers .
20 The real question on this part of the case , as it appears to me , is whether the landlords effected a re-entry , constructively , by obtaining Mr Clayton 's consent to their actions upon the terms of the first letter of 19 October 1984 .
21 It pushed the Scot 's earnings from his 19 years as a professional through the £1 million mark to join the five other golfing millionaires on this side of the Atlantic .
22 Since we included a short article on this topic in the ‘ Newsheet ’ last year , the lid has been blown off several skeletons in the National closet .
23 Goldschmidt focuses a penetrating but disinterested eye on this stage of the drama ; only when the French decide to develop their own bomb and civil nuclear power programme does his patriotism and pride become engaged but even then his Gallic objectivity is never impaired .
24 Planning Mrs.Ruth Wilson has again kept her eye on this matter for the Association .
25 Planning Mrs.Ruth Wilson has again kept her eye on this matter for the Association .
26 He was the first son of Northern Dancer to make the grade on this side of the Atlantic .
27 It was thus proposed to organise two workshops on this topic for the 19th century , one on the trade across the Indian Ocean , and a later one on the trans-Saharan trade .
28 The Freiburg Materials Research Centre will hold its fourth meeting on this subject at the University of Freiburg , Germany , on 9–11 September 1992 .
29 Hopefully , the company marketing the next World Cup will do more groundwork on this side of the pond , and begin to unleash this huge potential .
30 Le Pen may succeed in winning allies on this issue from the more moderate right wing , as he already has on the issue of immigration and race in France , which is a depressing prospect .
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