Example sentences of "[noun] with only [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The promotions business is going through a rocky time , and the Hoover jinx has now hit the Coca Cola Co in the UK , the Guardian reports : customer services at the company 's British headquarters are besieged with callers believing they have won Sega Enterprises Ltd games machines because one batch of bottles appears to make every purchaser a winner ; any bottle cap with the letter M , G or B printed on it wins a Sega prize , but the problem batch have all three letters inside the cap as part of a code to identify consignments , and the company is having to spend thousands of pounds on advertising to make it quite clear that its only caps with only one of the letters that win , and that all three are no good .
2 This left the coalition with only 229 of the 450 seats in parliament ( 16 Kurdish MPs having resigned from the SHP earlier in the year — see pp. 38873 ; 38739 ) .
3 The railway lines to Prome and Mandalay are working again but it is hard work with only 1/5 of the number of pre-war engines , and only 1/3 of the goods wagons and hardly any of the passenger coaches .
4 At one time Lancashire 's reply seemed very likely to even less than that as Albert Ward , Sugg , Smith and Briggs were all back in the pavilion with only 21 on the board .
5 Meanwhile , Sir Lewis does not intend to rush his decision on the future of the Country Court concept , currently on ice with only six of a planned 20 hotels off the starting blocks .
6 Unfortunately Ken 's recovery has suffered a setback after seeing us still in the title race with only fourteen-sixteenths of the season remaining .
7 A previous study showed no significant difference between giving imipramine and a placebo with only one-fifth of the children becoming reliably dry ( Meadow and Berg 1982 ) .
8 Taking no chances , power packed Denbighshire amassed 243–6 after losing opening batsman Richard Buckley-Jones of Marchwiel for a duck with only three on the board .
9 Pressure for places from parishioners means there is little room for other children with only 16 of the 213 pupils coming from non-Catholic homes .
10 But after they had lost their first five wickets with only 134 on the board , Rutherford and Blain swung the balance back in their favour in the last 45 minutes , adding 34 runs to take their side agonisingly close to squaring the series after a humiliating innings and 60-run defeat in Christchurch .
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