Example sentences of "[noun] with [adj] [noun] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the maritime Antarctic they form short mats or cushions up to 25 cm across and 5–1Ocm deep , typically on warm north — or west-facing slopes close to sea level , in association with each other and with mosses ; they are usually underlain with brown soils to which they have contributed roots and other organic material ( Longton , 1985 ) .
2 Here there are evident overlaps with political theory and with general sociology , which cultural sociology can not replace but to which it can try to contribute its own kinds of evidence .
3 Here there are again overlaps with political theory and with general sociology , which cultural sociology can not replace but to which it can try to contribute its distinctive emphasis on the organization of signifying systems and on the special kinds of social formation which are professionally concerned with this , among them the difficult category usually identified as ‘ intellectuals ’ .
4 In all these areas there are overlaps with general history and with the history of particular arts .
5 Their relationships with each other and with later hominoids is still uncertain , but as they represent different evolutionary trends I am going to distinguish them taxonomically at the level of tribe , where they have been distinguished at generic level before .
6 We found that doctors and non-medical staff thought that fundholding had altered their roles and relationships with each other and with agencies outside of the practices .
7 Developing effective links with existing suppliers , and maintaining good relationships with potential suppliers and with competitors .
8 He was standing at the edge of the water , looking into the turgid grey-brown eddies that poured down towards Breidden with such force and in so absolute a silence .
9 The Architects Club , founded in 1791 , was a dining club with limited membership and in no way attempted to be a professional body , but The London Architectural Society , founded in 1806 , was intended to be more representative and instructional .
10 ‘ Recent experiments suggest that there exists an ‘ interconnectiveness ’ of the human mind with other minds and with matter — that the human mind may be able to obtain information independent of geography and time … ’ and concluded that ‘ … a general recognition of the degree of interconnectiveness of minds ( and matter ) could have far-reaching society and political implications for the nation and the world . ’
11 Their membership in sectors such as hotels , shipping , ports , buses and road haulage , usually reflects the historical association of these sectors with British Rail and before that with the British Transport Commission .
12 It is evident , however , that the police are overstretched and are having to fight the rising tide of car crime with insufficient officers and with one hand tied behind their backs .
13 We 're not dealing with an old dying structure industry like the steel industry or coal , we 're dealing with a mass consumer industry with high technology and in the middle ; in our town we have British Rover closing a company which was financed for 14 years by public money ; by public of this town paying their taxes to keep that company going and now in the middle of a massive boom for cars they want to propose closure and that point was dramatically highlighted this afternoon .
14 Garda still operates a fishing fleet , and there is a lovely blend of the old and new , with many smart restaurants and chic boutiques , rubbing shoulders with old cafes and on market day a sea of stalls .
15 Warm-coloured walls like apricots , yellows , terracottas , deep roses , plums , reds , tawny browns and marmalades all look good in city homes with moderate climates and in country homes too , come to that , but hot climates benefit from the reverse treatment : whites , cool blues and greens , pale yellows and creams .
16 He held his trouser-front with one hand and with the other he reached forward to prod me .
17 A company partner , 33-year-old Anthony Edwards , appeared before the court and pleaded guilty to keeping the vehicle with defective tyres and without an MoT certificate .
18 Yet , in spite of his now professed Toryism , he continued to mix his poetry with social criticism and to the very end of his life insisted on making statements which show an intense involvement in the sufferings of the people .
19 The Institute has facilities for work with pathogenic viruses and for genetic manipulation .
20 But , with the support of his devoted wife and family he continued with his judicial work with unflinching courage and with complete impartiality . ’
21 They should perhaps look to take a more active role in initiating advocacy projects by funding development work with local users and with agencies such as the Citizens ' Advice Bureau which have developed expertise in this area .
22 Saul Weinberg 's exploration at Tel Anafa in Upper Galilee is now beginning to give us an idea of a small Hellenistic centre of the second century B.C. in its intercourse with Phoenician towns and with the Greek world of the eastern Mediterranean .
23 It covers conduct previously dealt with by a broader range of offences , including , for example , incest , sexual intercourse with under-age girls and with mental defectives , sodomy and gross indecency as well as rape and indecent assault .
24 The family may need help with financial support and with clear dietary guidelines .
25 A dolphin can emit up to 700 clicks a second with this apparatus and from them is able to detect not only the presence of a solid object in the water but to deduce what sort of object it is .
26 One in four inpatients with rheumatoid arthritis and between 17% and 86% of all patients with this disease have radiographic evidence of instability of the cervical spine .
27 It is difficult to imagine an appropriate ‘ diagram ’ which could incorporate both the sequential pattern of elements introduced and the interrelatedness of those elements with each other and with the contextual features .
28 The Home Office granted her political asylum with uncharacteristic haste and from then on she was interviewed constantly by every newspaper and radio network represented in Britain — including , of course , the BBC 's German language service , which was aimed directly at the East Zone .
29 An assignment may be defined as a mini project or as any problem solving exercise with clear guidelines and of specified length .
30 In his chairman 's statement , David Morris reveals that ‘ at the year end the directors considered the market value of the portfolio with vacant possession and in our opinion this has increased by £7,832 ’ .
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