Example sentences of "[noun] you [vb base] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then fashion a heel and place the piece you have cut out over it to make the part for the ankle .
2 If you generally only go out as a treat , a commitment to healthy eating will mean that you want to choose dishes that build on the good work you have carried on at home .
3 Or this one : What 's the question you get fed up with answering most ?
4 But prior to that … all the famous disappearances you 've read about in the Sunday tabloids are all part of the same phenomenon .
5 " Forget the story you 've made up about Miss Lavant , Timothy .
6 Now in fact of course you 've gone round in a ?
7 There is a point just outside the village to the east ( i.e. the direction you have come up from ) , from where everyone tells you the views are best .
8 They come home to a nice bathed kid and they do n't know how much shit you 've wiped up during the day …
9 ‘ The bloody cheek you 've got inside of you .
10 Themes are set : The worst live album ever made ; most embarrassing incident during school ; films you have walked out of and why .
11 erm it might well look like that for that very small piece of graph , but the overall picture you 've lost completely by not going far enough so you , you want minus infinity to plus infinity .
12 After all it 's not every day you get caught up in a paradigm shift .
13 But the only things worth having are the things you 've worked hard for , and I 'll last out , I daresay , so do n't you worry , girl !
14 What a very special person you 've turned out to be . ’
15 What is nice about the AX diesel is that you can smile smugly about the miles you are effortlessly squeezing from every gallon , in the knowledge you have sacrificed little along the way .
16 Throughout your career you have veered away from the blues into other areas .
17 Make entries in your manual log for the files you have created up to now .
18 I know , but that one seems worse than anywhere , is n't it , every week you know stolen out of the car park car broken into , I mean who 's , I ca n't imagine with all them cars in there that nobody ever seems to see anything .
19 ‘ Like a dog you keep chained up in a dark room .
20 Everything I 've loved , everything I 've ever wanted in life you 've taken away from me , so you have Natasha .
21 In such an organization you feel hemmed in by people who can refuse you permission to do something or who are only waiting to jump all over you if you appear to be taking the initiative , or achieving something which even they may recognize as being highly desirable , in ‘ the wrong way ’ .
22 Now this is n't the first book you 've put together of this sort is it ?
23 I think the third general point I 'd want to make is this : if you 're applying for a course at university , then it does n't matter what A-levels you 're taking , or what courses you 've put down for at the five universities .
24 " The one central , reassuring conviction you have come away with " , he wrote , " is that it is quite impossible for Sevastopol " ever to be taken by the enemy " .
25 So by the time you 've played around with type sizes , switched fonts and merged text with graphics the whole document is beginning to take on a whole new look .
26 Erm I think bro broadly , certainly by the time you 've got through to the later spring th th there is y yes I mean i in a sense there are sort of three areas if you like but , but very broadly the areas which had not been taken over yet i is very much a slower process of consolidation and then you wait for the next rule .
27 Depending on your employment situation and the length of time you have had away from nursing you may be asked to provide a character or employer 's reference .
28 Can I just clarify , what , what you 're saying is that in a sense there is this overall aim of getting through to socialism but the means of getting there have now changed so that we 've gone from absolute egalitarianism , which is , is an immediate step tow towards socialism you 've gone away from that and the position is now to create a rich peasant economy in order to industrialize , in order to get through to collectivization , I E into socialism .
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