Example sentences of "[noun] i look [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As I walked across the car park I looked back at the police station and almost expected to see the figure of Inspector Drew looming at one of the windows as in an early Orson Welles film .
2 Walking in the Ash Grove at L. I look up through the trees .
3 From the top of Flinter Gill I looked out to the Howgills and across to where cloud shadows were moving across Dentdale and over Rise Hill .
4 The next morning I looked out of the window of my warm bedroom into the backyard and saw a child enter the open gate from the garden , look cautiously round , lift the lid from an over-flowing garbage can and quickly and efficiently pick out the scraps of bread and other left-overs from our supper tables the previous night .
5 Next morning I looked in at the forge before leaving , and said goodbye to Joe , who was already hard at work .
6 While we was having our meal I looked out of the window and there was a fellow there — in the lay-by — sitting in a black car .
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