Example sentences of "[noun] i have [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A few examples will give something of the flavour of the times : Even sober-minded mathematical modellers fell under the spell , as witness the mathematician J. S. Griffith who had helped Watson and Crick solve DNA back in the early 1950s , writing jointly with one of the doyens of biochemistry , Henry Mahler , and offering what they called , for reasons I have never quite understood , a ‘ DNA ticketing theory of memory ’ .
2 I was amazed and terrified at the change I had so casually brought about in her .
3 That 's a division I 'd never even heard of before .
4 M. I 've never really thought of M objectively before , as another person .
5 In some cases I have deliberately not mentioned a particular plant because I consider it to be unsuitable for pressing , but I am sure that there are many plants not listed that will press very well .
6 I would be grateful if at some point Mr you were to deal with er Doctor 's er most recent comments on the Greater Crested Newt , since of course I 've only just had those er more or less on coming into this room , and I have n't had a chance
7 That was important , but much more important for me was the message that crofting , which I had seen as a hang-over , an anachronism , had enduring values I had not previously recognised .
8 It 's all good-humoured teasing and winding up , and for my part I 've long since ceased to care whether or not anyone regards me as the worst climber in the world or some sort of antediluvian relic with no rights to any opinion on ‘ rock climbing as it is done these days . ’
9 Yes , the answers and comments of the students and your fellow-teachers will certainly be valuable to the project — they were helpful , interesting , and in quite a few cases enlightening in bringing up incidental considerations I had n't previously given enough thought to .
10 He 's making it sound as if I was stretched on a couch , locked in a room with a ‘ Do not disturb ’ sign on the door while Sir Matt , the doc and a priest I have certainly never met , got to work straightening me out , socially , medically and religiously .
11 However , in recent years the methodological changes outlined in Chapter I have not only reduced the relative amount of work in this field , but also transferred the focus of interest away from the fairly limited concept of land use towards not only the more abstract concept of landscape , but increasingly to behavioural studies of how we value land and landscapes .
12 In this chapter I have once more attempted to describe the work of two pioneers , while at the same time using their work as a platform for discussion of issues which are crucial to my own philosophy .
13 In this chapter I have deliberately not concentrated upon analysing lists of attributes .
14 We recognise that logically this demands a transfer of resources and effort from the former to the latter , that in the words I have so often quoted , some social services are ‘ excessive ’ and others ‘ inadequate ’ — that it was bound to be so and that it is so .
15 ‘ So when I went into labour I had n't really thought about whether or not to have an epidural .
16 THE best sermon I have so far heard was on the subject of ‘ ontological anxiety ’ .
17 From Miss Eaglen I have not yet experienced that personal involvement with what she sings which would make it more than an impressive exercise .
18 Apart from El Tel I 've also recently mentioned , Strach , big Jack , and a certain Mr Howard Kendall ( calm down Mark H ! ! : - ) ) ) ) ) , as possible managers , but I just do n't see it happening .
19 We sold the residual sixteen years , approx , to a client represented by Harvey Gough & partners , who soon afterwards resold it by private treaty to a small company whose name I have not yet discovered , with the rumoured intention that it would be turned into a private nursing home .
20 He then told the court I had better not say she was an angel or no angel or the national press will have a hundred field days .
21 I understand things I have n't really thought about before .
22 I also realised that forest photography was fraught with problems I had n't even considered , and was not at all well-equipped to deal with .
23 He thought : we are still safe , she and I. I have not yet taken the step .
24 Perhaps the most disturbing factor I have so far encountered is that any savings from outpatient surgery are to the purchaser 's benefit , not the provider 's , and therefore outpatient surgery will effectively incur a financial penalty .
25 There are continuities between the positions I have so far outlined , despite their differing ideological biases .
26 I do n't think I have been fooled by artefacts , or overinterpreted my findings , though it is obvious even to me , let alone a critical outsider , that in fitting the data within a temporal cascade I have not formally proved all the necessary biochemical links ; some of my arguments have run dangerously close to the classical trap of assuming that post hoc implies propter hoc ; just because the phosphorylation step precedes the glycoprotein synthesis I can not automatically assume that the latter depends upon the former .
27 They pointed me towards writers I had never even heard of , let alone read .
28 ‘ It was the most ridiculous shot selection I have probably ever made , ’ he admitted .
29 Ah Christ I 've only just got in mama !
30 People I had n't yet identified beckoned her eagerly to join them , which she did with the ravishing smile she had loosed once or twice in my direction .
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