Example sentences of "[noun] i [verb] [be] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The acoustic I use is a Yamaha APX12 — a stereo acoustic twelve-string .
2 We went farther up the wasted beach , still finding interesting pieces of flotsam and finally coming to the rusted remnant I thought was a water-tank or a half-buried canoe , from a distance .
3 The first home I remember was a basement flat at number 61 Granville Road , Kilburn .
4 In the early days I had been a bit disappointed that the NUJ had n't immediately leapt to John 's defence , but ever since I had first been to see the General Secretary , Harry Conroy , and his assistant , Tom Nash , the union had done what it could to respond to what was asked of them .
5 We come back from and we 're in the car and erm they 're talking about guns see , I said well you ou , you know our Harry was R S M like you know , I said you wan na ask Ha Ha Harry I said been a soldier all his life .
6 One of the things I was asked to write about this week I think was a radio , to , to write about er what I felt about radios , you know , er , erm , so anything could be thrown at you , and obviously I have my areas that I particularly interested in and I think sometimes I get a bit complacement and I 'm writing about a , I find particularly interested in and a bit lazy , so its quite good to be stretched .
7 because if I might say so disabled people were treated oddly in those days , they are not er , erm people I think were a bit er diffident about making contact with them and erm , a lot of people would n't erm , you know , give you a hand if you were
8 But the frame I think was a bit dodgy but it , we , we never had to have anything done at it .
9 I ended up in one of the rooms in the roof and the man I thought was a friend grabbed hold of me and started masturbating me .
10 ‘ I do n't know whether the man I saw was a gardener , ’ said Peggy , shaking her head .
11 Most of my adult life I 've been a salesman over in England .
12 It was the only time in my life I 've been a pain to my family .
13 All my life I have been a man who scorned distraction !
14 All my life I have been a 7ft woman trying to get out . ’
15 A police-horse running towards me at speed , shouts of terror from women in the crowd ; I fall down from fear and weakness — and the last thing I hear is a man shouting near me — ‘ Our day will come ! ’
16 It 's quite surprising really , because you see the dockers at Sharpness are not a militant bunch anyway and the last thing I anticipated was a walk out by their guys this morning .
17 The first thing I saw was a batch of Biggles books , stacked beside several of their Kaiser 's War equivalents , written by a man called Percy F. Westerman .
18 ‘ The first thing I want is a bath , ’ said Kenichi Horie after coming ashore on the southern island of Okinawa .
19 I was glad he chose to wear it , for otherwise , in his shirt-sleeves and braces walking between us , it could have been mistaken for an arrest or at least a ‘ helping with inquiries ’ and the last thing I wanted was a street riot .
20 Out of this model solution , the only results I see are a depression of production , unemployment and structural deformation .
21 The final ADA book I examined was a disappointment .
22 Maybe the reason I had Testified the way I did was a kind of double bhiff on Argol 's part .
23 He said : ‘ The only problem I get is a shortness of breath on one side when I 'm jogging .
24 Space is limited and the only other tank I have is a 21″ cube and I ca n't put him in there because it contains two small G. jurupari , a pair of G. brasiliensis , a pair each of Crenicara filamentosa , Cichlasoma sajica and Butterfly Rams , and an Ancistrus .
25 Last time I had been a fool enough to close French doors and knew they were there only frantic moments later , when I saw blood spatter my wrists and hands , like a fly buzzing , like a bird beating against the see-through reality .
26 Although I have been billed as a " computer man " — I have been employed in the computer marketing and services side of IBM for 17 years — for over half this time I have been a line manager .
27 In which time I have been a victim of the clique set , if your face does n't fit , your training can wait ; also the ‘ Hooray Henry ’ brigade , the difference between the men and the boys is the price of their toys , types .
28 ‘ The only reward I want is a baby of my own .
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