Example sentences of "[noun] in [num] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The election of Keir Hardie in 1892 owed more to historical contingency than to a heightened class consciousness among the electorate .
2 For framework knitters in the hosiery manufacture of the east Midlands , their historian William Felkin described a golden age lasting from 1755 to 1785 , but a more recent authority has suggested that although knitters by the time of Luddism 's outbreak in 1811 looked back to pre-war wages of 10 to 12s ( 50-60p ) for plain work and up to 30s ( £1.50 ) for skilled , they were generally prosperous down to 1809 .
3 The combined effect of federal , state and local taxes in the United States in 1985 fell heavily on the poorest .
4 It seems pretty damning that the nine syndicates with the greatest expected losses in 1989 had only between four and nine per cent of working Names while the ten most profitable 1988 syndicates ( the last for which we have figures ) had an average of 18 per cent of working Names , one having 26 per cent , another 36 per cent and one 48 per cent .
5 A month or so ago I sat in an excessively warm room listening to a gentleman from Intel 's processor division telling the invited audience of dealers and journalists that 1992 would see a boom in 486 sales similar to the boom in 386 bought about by Windows .
6 Follow-up of this reference in 1978 led directly to the identification of a Cu-Zn-Au deposit ( Jones and others , 1987 ) .
7 Worse still , the camps were breeding grounds for fever , and Battle in 1809 suffered severely from a typhoid outbreak which began in its barracks .
8 Sir Hector Monroe , the Conservative with the safest seat in Scotland in 1987 held on in Dumfries with a slight increase in his majority .
9 Again , this sums up much of the difference between the two films — the wit of the weightless tricks in 2001 depends largely on their being done ‘ live ’ on very big sets .
10 Kamal Jumblatt 's assassination in 1977 led directly to the succession of his son Walid as leader of the Druze and as commander of the ‘ Leftist Alliance ’ , the agglomeration of Lebanese Muslim and Palestinian guerrillas which generally represented the nationalists .
11 It can be argued that the major failings in 1940 lay not with the government but with the Army whose ageing generals were quite unprepared for the tactics of blitzkrieg .
12 In 1979 , only one young person in eight went on to higher education .
13 The Royal Commission on Environmental Protection in 1976 came up with an even lower figure of 250 rads .
14 During that time Nicklaus won eight Majors in 33 starts , a success rate of 24.2% , compared with Faldo 's recent five wins in 21 starts up to and including The Open — a 23.8% success rate .
15 ‘ Red Ellen ’ had long been in the public eye — notably as the figure at the head of the Jarrow March in 1936 bearing down upon London to protest against the enormity of unemployment .
16 The very detailed survey carried out by Spicer and Riddy in 1977 has now to be treated as a historical document , even though many requirements placed PGCE courses by the nature of contemporary schools have not changed and therefore there are still many relevant details in their report .
17 Scottish exports in 1990 increased significantly to a value of £8.6 billion , representing an increase in real terms of 7.6% .
18 Whether by luck or careful management , Callaghan 's administration looked much more credible now , and many expected him to call an autumn election in 1978 to cash in on favourable economic and political trends and , against all the odds , snatch another term of power .
19 A disagreement over patients ' preparation and post-operational recovery regime resulted in Daniel leaving his father in 1763 to set up on his own at Ingatestone , Essex .
20 The annual growth of world trade in 1991 slowed down for the third successive year , according to the annual report of the Director-General of GATT , issued on March 18 .
21 The new jet , which will be ready for launch in 1995 to compete head-on with the European Airbus A330 , where British Aerospace has a 20 per cent stake , and the McDonnell Douglas MD-11 trijet , will be the last major new passenger jet to be launched this century .
22 The Russian Christian Democratic Movement , which left the Democratic Russia movement in 1991 to go over to the opposition , did not participate in this " united opposition " declaration .
23 THE number and value of management buy-outs and management buy-ins in 1992 augured well for the future of the market , according to research published yesterday , though the number of transactions increased only very slightly over the total for 1991 , writes Bill Millar .
24 The opinion of the trade given by Campbell in 1747 applied equally to 1897 .
25 Soon after Mrs Thatcher came to power in 1979 she disbanded the Royal Commission on the Distribution of Income and Wealth , set up as a permanent body by the Labour government in 1974 to report periodically on changes in distribution trends .
26 It is not surprising to find the Russian government in 1784 asking officially for information on the organisation of the ministry ; and the memorandum drawn up in response to this request by one of the premiers commis paints , even allowing for some gilding of the lily , an impressive picture of the efficiency with which , at least in theory , correspondence was classified , answered and indexed .
27 The scale of injustice , cruelty , and tyranny in the world in 1988 cries out for continuing protest of various forms including the democratic and peaceful marches and assemblies which in the 1960s helped to achieve greater civil rights in the USA and in many other nations , whilst the same phenomenon , sometimes more disorderly , hastened the end of U.S. participation in the Vietnam War .
28 Major naval , military and railway construction programmes scheduled to come to fruition in 1917–18 argued strongly for delay .
29 This was in itself a striking commentary on what had already been done : Liberal Unionists who had resisted amalgamation under Balfour and Acland-Hood in 1911 acquiesced meekly under Law and Steel-Maitland in 1912 .
30 The Anglo-American conglomerate that went public in 1964 romped in with results that should guarantee him another bumper pay packet .
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