Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun prp] [modal v] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Stalin is reported to have remarked at the end of the war that to establish communist rule in Poland would be like ‘ trying to saddle a cow ’ and Soviet relations with that country ( the largest and most populous in Eastern Europe ) have borne out these apprehensions .
2 Newham council says that its residents are in favour of the scheme , but will they still support it when they learn that 1,000 homes in Stratford will be at risk from settlement when the railway line goes into a shallow tunnel because of the geological conditions in the area ?
3 Some prisoners at Long Lartin jail near Evesham in Worcestershire should be in hospital , not a prison cell , say prison officers .
4 RC schools get extra cash for more classrooms Two Catholic schools in Darlington will be among those to gain from new rules on extra classrooms , the town 's MP said this week .
5 Various issues arise : ( 1 ) In simple terms , management 's controlling stake in Newco will be worth more than half the total value of Newco .
6 The Monsal Dale Viaduct was built in 1862 to carry the Midland Railway across the valley of the River Wye , so that , as Ruskin put it , ‘ every fool in Buxton can be in Bakewell in half an hour ’ .
7 If we have the same legal system even as continental Europe , trade union membership in Britain will be at least two million higher than it is today , but let's not delude ourselves .
8 He had felt sure when he left his hotel room that every eye in Saigon would be on him that evening because he was wearing a white tuxedo for the very first time in his young life .
9 ‘ You 're famous all over the Far East , so a story about how you kept a secret concubine in Taipei should be worth quite a bit . ’
10 Not to allow voters a referendum in Britain would be to ‘ betray the trust … they have placed in us ’ .
11 An AXA executive confirms that the French insurer wants to invest in UNI , pointing out that gaining a foothold in Scandinavia would be in line with AXA 's strategic aim of becoming a global insurer .
12 FEARS that a successful adult literacy course in Darlington could be in jeopardy have eased .
13 Er in most of them will er most people in Ireland will be in a pub at some stage of the day you know and it 's no unusual thing to er we 've got a recording studio in we live or I live rather and it 's not unusual to walk out the studio at er lunch time with some people you 'd been recording and go into the pub for a lunch and if you were n't very careful you could still be there that evening singing
14 Schoolgirls from Burford and Wood Green in Witney will be in the swim tomorrow for the finals of the National Synchronised Swimming competition .
15 Cheney emphasized that any reductions in US forces in Europe would be within the context of the CFE talks .
16 The only proposed narrowing of the road in Lakeside will be at the junction to Hammond Drive , the purpose of which will be to filter the traffic using the junction .
17 Aerospatiale in France will be in charge of developing a small missile that an individual soldier can carry and use to attack tanks up to 2 km away .
18 ‘ That does n't seem an awfully big difference , but in fact the cost in Cleveland will be around another million pounds .
19 One way for Novell to increase its current minority position in USL might be for it convert its shares in Univel , where it controls 51% , into USL stock .
20 It is ironic that the most interesting group of pre-Romanesque churches in Europe should be in a country largely taken over by the Moslems .
21 VAT on books could cut sales by a 5Th and up to 200 jobs in Oxford may be at risk .
22 And about eighty jobs in Swindon may be at risk .
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