Example sentences of "[noun] in [adj] [noun] [subord] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 They are the subject of an intensive release programme in central Wales where there are just 70 breeding pairs .
2 Nor was Crumwallis anxious to take over periods in other subjects when there was need — as in cases of sickness or ( frequently ) death .
3 The census of 1931 which describes the distribution of workers at the beginning of Orwell 's decade , recorded twice as many workers in domestic service as there were miners ( about two million , compared with one million miners ) .
4 By 1986 there were three times the number of places in private homes than there had been in 1979 .
5 On one ocassion , patients were said to have spent the night in wet beds because there was no-one to change them .
6 Demographic techniques are also of some use in ecological surveillance where there is interest in the breeding stability of a colony of birds or animals or where concern exists over culling programmes or the depletion of fish stocks .
7 The Government talk about competition , but what chance is there for competition in rural areas where there is perhaps only one bus every hour , or every two or three hours ?
8 If by this we mean that we explain real spiritual forces in mythic language because there is no other adequate language to explain them , that , it seems to me , is reasonable enough .
9 If league tables from North America were being reviewed these would probably show greater variation in analytical approach as there has been considerably more research into , and validation of , measures of health state preference .
10 Teaching is still an important option for less privileged groups : for example , for school graduates in rural areas where there are few opportunities for professional employment and for both urban and rural women , whose range of job opportunities is still far more limited than men 's .
11 And I felt that that there was more pressure in social work than there was in teaching .
12 In Essex , Jacques found very little WEA activity in rural areas although there were promising urban branches at Colchester , Harwich and Halstead .
13 It might , however , be the method of choice against mosquitoes in urban regions where there may be more houses than breeding places , where there is likely to be opposition to house spraying , and where the breeding places are limited and more easily identified .
14 There is a jungle region in northern India where there are several more hot springs and here again there seems to be an abundance of helium .
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