Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun sg] [prep] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Victor 's face as the match flares in front of it has the rapt attention of a man lighting a fuse .
2 But clearly I 'm not in a position to reveal the results of of that work in advance of it put into my memory .
3 However , interesting observations in support of it have been made .
4 What is essential is to identify a ‘ critical mass ’ of people inside and directly outside the organization who must be committed to the change in order for it to succeed .
5 Before the camp was liberated the senior British colonel in command of it had already chosen a temporary hiding place for the prisoners .
6 Totally unprepared for an unexpected 5g demonstration loop , I realised I had been caught napping , and glanced at the g-meter in time for it to disappear as my sight blacked out .
7 It is all very well to point out how much food is munched by an animal in order for it to develop a nice juicy back leg or plump shoulder , but what is rarely taken into consideration is the amount of fertile soil and poorly paid labour required to produce the well-fleshed habitués of vegetarian eateries .
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