Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun sg] [be] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The fall in activity was partly the result of a US naval blockade in the Strait of Tiran , although many ships had abandoned Aqaba earlier in the month for purely commercial reasons ( i.e. an increase in shipping insurance rates ) .
2 Humming noises in pipework are often the result of the pump speed being set too high .
3 If we recall what was said earlier regarding the trend in primate evolution which promoted the visual sense over that of smell and prehensile agility over terrestrial quadrupedalism , we can readily see that the definitive adoption of a fully upright posture in man is only the culmination of this much more general evolutionary tendency .
4 That point in time was also the time of the appropriation .
5 The topic of sexism in language is probably the best known of all feminist linguistic concerns .
6 Failure in communication is often the base from which many problems arise .
7 It may be no coincidence that the occasion of this shift in distribution was also the time when the devaluation of the gold had become serious .
8 Who knows whether the first Americans who came across the Bering Strait in pre-history were indeed the first .
9 Wide variations in practice are partly the result of ignorance about the efficacy of many medical interventions ( Black 1986 , Fuchs 1984 ) .
10 The reason why judges and barristers ( less than ten per cent of the profession ) wear wigs and gowns in court is exactly the same as the reason why professional aircrew wear stripes on sleeves and epaulettes copied from the ‘ eighteenth century fancy dress ’ of naval officers : in order to be quickly , easily and accurately identified in a crowd .
11 Overall , getting computer records submitted as evidence in court is only the first aspect of the evidential requirements companies need to address when implementing an electronic documentation system ; getting the court to accept the contents as adequate proof , or a good record , is an even more important consideration .
12 Whilst the , the London Region speakers come into the rostra I 'll just make the point , Peggy in fact is only the third women that 's spoken this morning .
13 The game in hand is always the most important and the euphoria that surrounded the result on 6 February is now a thing of the past .
14 Sometimes differences in terminology are merely the use of different words for the same or similar groups ( such a ‘ West Indian ’ and ‘ Afro-Caribbean ’ ) ; at other times , different sets of terms refer to different classifications and different ways of classifying .
15 It is unclear though whether cross-cultural differences in outcome are mainly the result of different family structures or of a more complicated cluster of culturally related variables .
16 The largest wind generator in operation is probably the NASA MOD 1 at Boone , in North Carolina ( sponsored by the US Department of Energy ) which has a 200 foot diameter and is capable of generating two megawatts of peak power .
17 Gender in language is probably the most obvious and familiar example of a masculine/feminine linguistic dichotomy .
18 Again , the precise effects of British imperial domination are inevitably matters of dispute ( Kumar and Desai , 1983 ) and it is important to emphasize that the claim here is not that the level of present development of the regions of the Third World in question is simply the outcome of their colonial experience , but that it is difficult to understand the nature of this underdevelopment and the continuing exploitation of these countries within the international economic order without a grasp of the imperial impact .
19 A. in Reverie was undoubtedly the painting of the season , and the portrait he had recently finished of Mrs C — , the celebrated actress , was acclaimed — and not only by the sitter — as the best likeness of her striking looks ever achieved .
20 Although some of the Roman cattle of the time were indeed large , with long lyre-shaped horns , the archaeological evidence does not in fact suggest that larger stock were imported into Roman Britain , but rather that the increase in size was probably the result of improved management and breeding of the existing British cattle .
21 Wrapping cheese in foil is probably the best method of storage .
22 However , these reformers found , just as others would find within the framework of the national labour exchange system after 1910 , that the economic reality of the free market in labour was always the more influential factor .
23 Levi-Strauss ' thesis that marriage is always a contractual arrangement between groups of males and that the principal valuable in marriage is always the bride herself would imply that , on balance , the other valuables , e.g. cattle , jewellery , money , ritual objects , should move from the wife-takers to the wife-givers .
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