Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Part of this ex post forecasting could distinguish the various phases of post-1954 business cycles with respect to their particular characteristics in terms of changes in the sectoral/industrial composition of the UK economy and with respect to the specific features of the different industries ' behaviour in terms of stock movements , capacity utilisation , scrapping of old equipment , new investments , etc .
2 As a description of a life-style and material standard it is applicable to times of normal and good earnings but may lose its distinctive characteristics in trades under pressure of falling incomes and growing insecurity .
3 In some cases he may be able to obtain an injunction to restrain the breach and in any case he will be adequately compensated by his remedy in damages for breach of contract as his damage can scarcely be other than financial .
4 1990 was a year of substantial achievement for the Association in terms of development of welfare facilities and in fund-raising .
5 JCT 80 provides that ’ Full discharge by the Contractor in respect of payments for materials or goods supplied by the Nominated Supplier shall be effected within 30 days of the end of the month during which delivery is made less only a discount for cash of 5% if so paid . ’
6 Despite a run of small harvests , the cellars in Reims and Épernay were brimming , and it was estimated that had sales maintained their 1932 level , the Champagne houses possessed sufficient stock in hand to tide over sales for the next thirty-three years .
7 DAVID KILSBY David Kilsby joined the retail sales force in September as Merchandiser for the Southern area which covers from Cornwall to East Anglia .
8 Amnesty International also expressed concern that the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights , currently in force in Macao by virtue of Portugal 's ratification , should continue to apply to the MSAR beyond 1999 .
9 Backley in hunt for gold after scare
10 Mathisen ( 1984 ) documented secondary porosity enhancement of 40% in Plio-Pleistocene volcaniclastic sandstones from Indonesia in addition to alteration of many of the original grains and cements ( e.g. feldspars , volcanic fragments , zeolites ) ; this has occurred in burial depths of only 400–900 m .
11 One needs a Porter-style analysis to discover exactly what type of investment and competitive strategy is needed to achieve or maintain market share or competitive position ; one can not just assume that any type of investment in capacity in areas of high market share will lead to future success .
12 Mr Major also increased the annual limit on investment in PEPs from £4,800 to £6,000 and allowed them more scope to buy unit trusts .
13 The comparative detachment of non-executives is an advantage , given their lesser personal investment in predictions of benefits from particular courses of action .
14 Investment in technology without investment in training is not cost efficient .
15 Whilst the general power to cap the rates of all authorities has not yet been used , the switch in emphasis from concern with local government spending to local authority spending has nevertheless been marked .
16 It may be instructive that the prime mover in the action was an American bank ( Allied International ) which has subsequently ceased operations in London and which withdrew from the action on those grounds , although their vice president in charge of operations at the material time was , and still is , resident here .
17 Improved microscopic methods and new synthetic staining materials from the German chemical industry made it possible to see the parasite in films of blood from malarial patients .
18 Erm asking for permission to put their names forward and from the , the few letters we had the , this was that we thought was the whitest knights in terms of Geography in terms of sex in terms of I would n't say intelligence , perhaps I should try to impress them !
19 One of Japan 's top ten pharmaceutical companies , which already has a subsidiary in the USA , has recently opened offices in Europe as part of its strategy of internationalisation .
20 On March 26 Noubir Amaoui , secretary-general of the Democratic Confederation of Labour ( CDT ) — a trade union grouping close to the opposition Socialist Union of Popular Forces ( USFP ) — was arrested at the CDT offices in Casablanca in connection with an interview he had given to the Spanish newspaper El País on March 11 .
21 Voters number candidates in order of preference from 1 to 5 .
22 We have made mention in passing of mobility within the context of a family 's history : both the ups and down of social mobility according to circumstance , and the more obviously-apparent geographical moves people made to ensure their own survival or to better their lot .
23 Hence the meaning of the expression as a whole is that , as far as costs are concerned , economies of scope are sufficient to counteract the loss in economies of scale in each product line .
24 The loss in remittances from workers in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States by the end of 1991 was expected to be in excess of US$150 million .
25 It was purchased at auction in Copenhagen for £167,360 by London dealers Hazlitt , Gooden and Fox , bidding on behalf of the Gallery .
26 This paper confirms abnormal fluid absorption in the colon in patients with acute watery diarrhoea including cholera , and shows that the concentration and output of SCFA in faeces in patients with acute watery diarrhoea is reduced , and that the addition of luminal SCFA can reverse the impairment of colonic absorption .
27 COMPUTERS are replacing animals in experiments by students at a teaching hospital in Texas.The computer — an Apple 11 Plus — replicates physiological functions which students normally observe in experimental animals .
28 Animal nature has analogies to human nature , and by doing our duties to animals in respect of manifestations of human nature , we indirectly do our duty towards humanity .
29 Wrangham explains the higher success of older animals in terms of cost per effort decreasing with age .
30 The beguiling way out is ‘ linkage ’ — Saddamspeak for disguising defeat in Kuwait as victory in Palestine .
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