Example sentences of "[noun] in [adj] [adv] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Lancet , smug from recent public health victories , captured the new mood of medical optimism in 1871 when it claimed success for the recent improvements in working-class habits .
2 The Express has lost millions of readers since its heyday in 1964 when it had 4.2 million circulation — and the deadly decline continues this month .
3 * BP Chemicals said its total emissions from major sites fell by 4,000 tonnes to 154,000 tonnes in 1992 when it published its second annual emissions report .
4 Later , the East Anglian Regional Advisory Council for Further Education ( EARAC ) was established in 1947 , with its secretariat provided by the Norfolk LEA , and the work of the Regional Consultative Council was absorbed into EARAC in 1953 when it became the Adult Education Sub-Committee of the East Anglian body .
5 Much activity took place in 1947 when it appeared as though sudden progress might be made .
6 The IMM commenced business in 1972 when it listed seven foreign currency futures contracts .
7 The agency won the business in 1985 when it snatched the bulk of it from Leo Burnett .
8 A British Rail quality manager and former Sunderland nut , he changed allegiance in 1980 when it seemed to him that some Roker players were becoming too mercenary .
9 There were Greek mercenaries in the Egyptian army of Necho son of Psammetzchus who killed Josiah — allegedly at Megiddo — in 608 B.C. There were thirty thousand Greeks , according to Herodotus , in the army of Necho 's grandson Apries who tried to relieve Babylonian pressure on Palestine in 588 ( Jerem. 37.5 ) and probably precipitated the final onslaught of Nebuchadnezzar on Jerusalem in 586 B.C. It has even been suggested that a king of Judah had Greek mercenaries .
10 The Five Civilised Nations Museum in Muskogee , Oklahoma , that normally shows and sells Indian art , closed down an exhibition in 1991 when it found that at least a third of its ‘ Indian ’ artists had no tribal documentation .
11 The Republic of Singapore , which was granted internal self-government by the United Kingdom in 1959 , was declared an independent , sovereign state in 1965 when it separated from Malaysia .
12 The Government introduced incentive allowances for teachers in 1987 when it removed the profession 's bargaining rights and imposed a pay settlement .
13 I think I was mentally prepared for gay liberation in 1970 when it came along and when I did encounter it it swept me along quite easily .
14 This alien from the Mediterranean was noted in large numbers in 1666 when it spread over the ground laid waste by the great fire of London .
15 In this attempt , however , Parliament failed to foresee all the possible contingencies and it was obliged to return to the matter in 1700 when it established , in the Act of Settlement , the basis upon which the Crown has since devolved .
16 " Ladies and gentlemen , the fact that cholera is conveyed in the atmosphere is amply supported by the epidemic in Newcastle in 1853 when it became clear that during the months of September and October an invisible cholera cloud was suspended over the town .
17 There was a flurry of excitement in 1975 when it fought off a bid from General Electric of America .
18 Of course such rose-tinted retrospection served a dual purpose in that politically it said : ‘ Who needs AIDS , crack , violence , pollution and other symptoms of the modern age when you can transport yourself back to Fonzville , North Dakota , with its tidy suburban gardens , shining Chevys , fresh country air , soda bar , drive-in and upright American values ? ’
19 The original village , first made an appearance in the public records in 1056 when it donated land for a monastery , but it was actually first formed in the foot hills in 641 by mountain folk escaping an invasion by the Rotaris .
20 Right on the Brown Street corner was The Round of Beef public house which was closed by Eldridge Pope & Co. , the Dorchester Brewers in 1926 when it remained empty for several years .
21 Hanson made its first big UK acquisition in 1981 when it bought Berec , the maker of Ever Ready batteries .
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