Example sentences of "[noun] and on to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He kept rolling , still hanging on to his weapons , and fell over the front of the Jeep and on to the pavement outside .
2 Since the causal chain passes through perception and on to the rest of the nervous system , perhaps triggering action , it must become physical again .
3 Afterwards , the actor was swept from the courtroom and along the corridors , closely pursued by screaming fans and on to the court steps , where he said in a prepared statement : ‘ This has not been a case about homosexuality and I resent any suggestion that it was .
4 I felt a strange sensation in my stomach as I made my way down the sloping gangway and on to the tarmac , If I had felt like this on the morning of the 6th June , Lord Lovat would probably been going ashore without his bagpipe music .
5 The oil is getting into the wheel bearings and forcing grease past the oil seal and on to the brake shoes .
6 A piece of smokeless fuel fell out of the grate and on to the hearth .
7 Steadying himself , he made his way over the roof and on to the parapet that ran along the side of the building .
8 She struggled to free herself , and rolled out of the car and on to the ground .
9 The City Waites provocatively flout the ‘ usual ’ conventions of an early music concert as the audience are whisked forward from the Court of Henry VIII to the bawdy ballads of a Drury Lane coffee house , through the idealistic love songs of the 13th-century troubadours and on to the Renaissance .
10 There would be even more noise when the navvies moved to their next camp closer to Swinbrook and beside a stream that flowed through the village and on to the river Windrush .
11 Without speaking they walked through the gap of the east window and on to the edge of the cliff and saw only the moon-bleached beach stretching north and south , the thin fringe of white foam .
12 The Nene rises one mile west of Badby and flows on through the County , passing Peterborough and on to the Wash , 110 miles away .
13 Adam was thrown forward , up and over the shattered windscreen and on to the bonnet .
14 By the time Elisabeth was out of the Hall and on to the terrace , the guests at The Tamarisks were all frozen in shocked suspension , their forks lifted half-way to their mouths , their faces pale , their palms clammy .
15 One could either leave the sliding door open and see the world go by down the corridor , or close oneself into a private cocoon ; and at night , one 's bed descended from the ceiling and on to the seat of the facilities which effectively put them out of use .
16 On leaving the gallery , turn right through the passage and on to the Powder Bridge from where there is a wonderful view of the 15C fortifications built by the architect Benedikt Ried of Piesting and of the towering cathedral .
17 Go right into the churchyard , follow the path to the arched exit and on to the field .
18 Ian shook himself free from his bunk , pulled on his flannels and swung himself up the companionway and on to the deck .
19 Herr Nordern followed Bodo into the vestibule and on to the landing .
20 secondly , pursuing untrustworthy promoters or record companies , if necessary through the courts and on to the enforcement of judgements , deters other business people from trying to get rich at the expense of musicians .
21 Ember dragged her to her feet and she limped stiff-legged through the hatch and on to the landing-ramp .
22 Suddenly , guns were fired again , and a group of pirates ran from the woods and on to the stockade .
23 When his mother had gone , Jarvis got into a District Line train at Wimbledon Park , changed on to the Victoria Line at Victoria and on to the Jubilee at Green Park for West Hampstead .
24 It 's very useful , because then it 's very easy when you write , ‘ He went up past the cinema and on to the church , and then he met so-and-so coming out of her house . ’
25 Without a backward look , Beth went from the room , along the softly lit hallway and on to the bedroom which she shared with her husband .
26 Christina was pleased to get her into the car without being mobbed , and drove quickly out of town and on to the coast-road .
27 She turned her head away , scalding tears coursing down her cheeks and on to the pillow which had absorbed her earlier grief .
28 ‘ I think it 's all right , ’ responded Floy , warily , but even as he spoke he was wondering whether it was all right , and whether they might n't be better simply to walk back through the forest and on to the road .
29 If you had any energy at all , you could keep height and continue to Sgurr na Sgine and on to The Saddle , but you would need thighs like Graeme Souness 's .
30 When social debate moves out of the classroom and on to the street , teachers can find themselves targeted .
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