Example sentences of "[noun] and it is [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Many know the words and it is just a case of practically demonstrating the love of Jesus to them .
2 This is her method of communication , she uses her left hand mainly to tap the keys and it is necessarily a slow process .
3 All it is it 's plugged in in in the hall and it is just a box a little box about this big and we just er it 's just worked on the different
4 If you can manage a visit of two to three days ( or even just one day ) it is well worth it — the modern boat takes 1½ hours and it is only a matter of minutes in the small jet aircraft .
5 The value of professionality is that it focuses attention upon the activities of teachers in relation to pupils , each other and their organisations and it is thus a dynamic concept in opposition to the rather static ‘ characteristics ’ or ‘ descriptive ’ approach inherent in most studies of professionalism .
6 The van is maintained by the company , but the representative pays for the petrol ( on the premise that it can be offset against tax and it is also a bigger inducement to make a sale ) .
7 The award is given every two years and it is generally a requirement that the discovered drug is in therapeutic use .
8 However the subscription has not gone up for 2 years and it is only a 15p per week rise .
9 However , the policy of equal treatment is now firmly on the agenda and it is only a matter of time before men and women will be entitled to their State pension at the same age .
10 We 're actually re t talking about reducing the access to justice because if w if these proposals go through , your access to justice will depend on the size of your wallet and it is actually a restriction on liberty .
11 You can enter text directly into the Outliner and it is therefore a quicker way of creating text slides .
12 In my view these different aspects should be coordinated by a cardiologist who is in charge of the patients and it is certainly a mistake to regard rehabilitation as something separate and only suitable for good risk patients who do not require proper medical follow-up .
13 Now the reason we suggested that we join the consortium with the emphasis sort of thing we look on this with the District of the County Council who are members and it is now a wider the pamphlets , merely those adjacent to the terminal airport .
14 Mr Deputy Speaker , as the honourable members knows , our S S A calculations are on slightly different basis from England as we set out in this report and we do believe that local authorities should have the maximum flexibility to make their own decisions and it is therefore a matter for local debate .
15 ‘ So they are well above the crowd and it is usually a lot safer than most displays .
16 We intend to place the money in our building fund and it is also a faith-building experience for us to see God blessing us in this way .
17 The madness of hunger is indeed very much like rabies and it is truly a dog 's death .
18 The water changes from year to year and it is quite a skill knowing where the tides flow are running .
19 The use of hydrogen bonds , that is hydroxyl groups ( -OH ) ( see Appendix 1 ) to control adhesion at an interface is very common in living organisms and it is presumably a convenient method where the environment is continuously wet .
20 Owners will usually see the value of their property increase and it is often a selling point in estate agents ’ particulars that a house stands in a conservation area .
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