Example sentences of "[noun] and when [pron] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So instead of ringing each other up on the telephone we spoke to each other over the C.B. as you do n't have to pay each time you speak as when you speak on a C.B. your words travel with Radio waves and when you speak on a telephone your words travel down wires .
2 it was , it was actually there was a programme on television and my husband took me to the doctor and he said he felt I 'd been on it too long , I 'd been on it about six months and when I come off it , I come off it pretty quick and I ended up erm I did n't know what was wrong with me and it ended up I 've now got epilepsy , and they did n't know if it was caused through erm I took a stroke about three four month after that and then I got the epilepsy as well , so they do n't know if that me coming off it
3 It 's great , Frankie boy ; I 'm keeping to the fields and the woods and walking a lot and getting lifts and when I get near a town I look for a good fat juicy dog and I make friends with it and take it out to the woods and then I kill it and eat it .
4 Apparently , Randy wanted this guitar to be known as the Concorde' and when you take into account its overall shape and sleek appearance it does have a great deal in common with its British Airways equivalent .
5 I have got to have hope and when I look at Natalie .
6 Well that 's like er tarred rope that 's what it was and er used to put a piece through the wire every foot and when you come to six feet there 'd be a piece of leather , cut in cut one piece of leather .
7 And then they take their jackets off and rush down the road at five thousand miles an hour and when you say to them , but you 're going in the wrong direction .
8 The simple fact of the matter Mr Mayor is that vehicles coming in have got a very er simple alternative route and when they come down the hill they can turn left , go by the golf course knows very well , go round the roundabout and go round the roundabout and come in , alright they 've got to join a queue there but they 're in a queue anyway .
9 Yes , well I think that 's why you that 's why I keep on trying to come back to the regulatory system , because what you really in fundamental form a pension is a contract between an employer and an individual , you know you pay me so much money and when you get to a certain age I will pay you .
10 The schemata are gardens of meditation and when I think of poetry , I am taken to the far country of Li Po , and then I see Thoreau and Jnandas and Rumi and a hundred poets ; their images throng my mind and I am moved and tears come to my eyes .
11 ‘ I 've always been very aware that I needed to give something back after this experience and when I read about the appeal for people prepared to give homes to the Bosnians , I decided it was time I stepped in . ’
12 Darras and his wife live in English , as he calls it , one of his sons in German and when they go down the street , they live in French .
13 no just keep putting them on top and when you get to the bottom
14 Well in that case sir can I take my my committal to Preston Crown Court and when I go to Birmingham
15 and she goes why , I goes well every time I got , when I went out the other night and when I come in the other night there was Helena with her arms round Andrew , so it 's not that I , I 'm worried about it but I just think it 's a bit tarty of her cos she 's fancies the pants off Pete and as soon as my back 's turned and Pete is n't there she 's all over Andrew .
16 When the Equal Opportunities Commission , in its equality agenda , describes child care facilities as meagre in the extreme compared with the facilities that are available in the rest of Europe , when we know that the women in work to whom the Minister has referred are often forced into part-time work because of inadequate child care arrangements and when we bear in mind his entirely complacent answer , is not it a good thing that a Labour Government are coming who will ensure that child care provision is expanded ?
17 Oh goodness yes there 's mud , there was like Cliff Quay you had , you had your mud and when you come to chalk and further down the river you come to ballast near , near Al near the Albridge and further down you come to peat , then you come to green clay , then you come to Cattoes you c you start to dredge ballast again , Pinn Mill you 'd dredge ballast and then right away down to the sea you 'd dredge ballast .
18 If they 're in a corrupt society and when they get to that position they they do n't do anything about it and accept
19 Later a Canadian will tell me : ‘ It was the worst bus journey of my life and when we get to the Cruz del Condor , people start saying , ‘ Go on then , are n't you going to get out ?
20 And in the Slovenský Raj the paths go through the steams and when you get to a waterfall , ladders have been built to take you to the top .
21 and the other girl and they go to this very chichi Chinese restaurant and when they walk in the manager of the restaurant recognizes his father who is obviously a very important man in China before the revolution and he goes over , chats so in honour of the Mr Moo Bing , you know
22 As for the Gascons , they are gossipy , licentious , and poorly dressed ; although they eat and drink far too much they do n't sit at table but squat around a fire ; they all share the same cup and when they go to sleep they all share the same rotting straw , master and mistress , servants and all .
23 I said , that is my property and when you sit on my fence that is a , an offence !
24 It is covered in ivy by day and by night in mystery and when I lie in bed I see men and women through it passing by .
25 I think a point that comes over very much is the one about the structure and when I talk to people and listen to what they say , they 're still in the very traditional
26 But where they 've gone on to have parish councils , you 've had the typical triangular structure and when I talk to people and listen to what they say , they , they do n't express it to me as such , but the felling you get over is that 's the sort of structure they 're used to , because the structure of the church is built in anyway , and the whole structure of the church
27 Many disabled people believe that encouraging a disability culture can only reinforce negative images of ‘ disability ’ — that is , they have not questioned the tragedy view of disability and when they think of a disability culture they assume that this must mean art forms which only present the negative side of disabled living .
28 Many parents can not identify who wins these battles and when they think about it carefully admit that in reality the child mostly wins .
29 Only I was really upset at the time and when I think of them drilling into my head and peeling back my skull and — ’
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