Example sentences of "[noun] and come [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was unfair to the defendant and came about by the calculated action of the police to lull Newall into a false sense of security , he added .
2 Then Handlebar 's cock suddenly jumped into the air , flew the distance that separated it from its rival and came down on the darker bird with its neck arched and talons open .
3 As was proved when , without replying to her question about the interview , he left the driver 's seat and came round to the passenger 's door .
4 And he turned back to the Toyota , reaching in to the rear seat and coming out with the blasting plunger .
5 She was wasting her breath , she saw , for Ven was already out of the car and coming round to the passenger door .
6 I remember one day on the 8th there was a little dinghy turned over on the lake and he hooked his tee-shot , hit the boat and came out on the fairway — the shape of things to come !
7 As they rounded the hump and came out on the broad , gentler seaward slope they saw a uniformed policeman standing on the cliff edge , and when they joined him he pointed to the rocky shore below .
8 ‘ One spring I left my noviciate and came back to the farm .
9 Theodora circled the house in the direction of the arrow and came round to the back door .
10 The grass was lush green and came up to the st'lyan 's hocks .
11 It 's possible that he tiptoed down the passage and came in by the main door .
12 Nearly everyone came down according to plan , but Sgt Paul Flood surprised everyone by missing the drop zone and coming down behind the crowd .
13 risking their lives and coming back with the whole lot that he collected and brought back again .
14 and we 're , we 're going on the Friday afternoon and coming back on the Monday afternoon .
15 A gently ascending forest track leads up through woods and comes out into the open at the summit of the trail , to give a fine view of the whole length of the Urner See , framed by the Fronalpstock ( 1,922m , 6,304ft ) and Rophaien ( 2,078m , 6,81 6ft ) peaks towering over the bluffs of the opposite ( east ) shore .
16 They wo n't do away with them , no but cos they , they 're trying to do away with the National Dock Labour Board and come back to the old system .
17 In 1972 5,000 researchers in two huge operations took a census and came up with the figure of 1,872 tigers for the whole of India .
18 Billy Graham like all such evangelists called for people from the congregation to make an immediate decision and to come out from the crowd ; and Ramsey wrote that the call for an immediate decision had danger because the mind could be stifled in the process and this could bring a later revenge in scepticism and indifference .
19 Emily and I put our heads together after office hours and came up with the answers we needed .
20 That has to speak highly for the way in which the software does its internal calculations and comes up with the answers .
21 Bond 's technical wizard Q ( Desmond Llewellyn ) and new assistant Eve Barker , from BBC 's Born Kicking , realise the security implications and come out from the shadowy world of espionage to help publicise them .
22 By the time she had finished , she had worked off her aggression and came out of the mikva totally relaxed .
23 I 'll quickly rattle through the next one effectively nothing more has happened at Napier , they went off for their Christmas holidays about the fourth of November and came back about the nineteenth of January er , not quite as bad as that but nearly as I mean they 've even longer holidays than we 've got and we get a fortnight at Christmas and New Year
24 The start of a New Year is a time for looking back on the past 12 months and also a time when self-styled pundits such as myself are unwisely tempted to look into their crystal balls and come up with the predictions that by the end of the year they may well regret
25 I went back to the dining-room window , and as I looked in again , Stapleton left the room and came out of the house .
26 About a week later , I finished work early one day and came back to the house .
27 And none of them have any ideas when it comes to deciding what game they should play — until wise old owl finally saves the day and comes up with the answer .
28 are now going to look at these figures and come back to the next meeting er with some comments , with regards to their projects .
29 ‘ Oh , I 'm well enough , ’ Mrs Clamp said , shaking her head and coming down off the stool , picking up some more frozen burgers and going back to the freezer .
30 We checked the pH by an electronic meter and came up with the same reading .
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